The several districts and boundaries thereof are adopted and established as shown on the Zoning Map of the City, which Map, together with all notations, references, data, district boundaries, and other information shown thereon shall be and is made a part of this chapter, and which Map, properly attested, shall remain on file in the office of the City Clerk and is so designated and dated, June 18, 1964.
(Ord. 40-64. Passed 11-9-64.)
    Except where referenced on the Zoning Map to a street or alley line or other designated line by dimensions shown on the Map, the district boundary lines follow lot lines or the center lines of streets or alleys as they existed at the time of the adoption of this chapter, but where a district line obviously does not coincide with the lot lines or such center lines, or where it is not designated by dimensions, it shall be determined by scaling.
(Ord. 4-62. Passed 3-12-62.)