(a) No vehicle shall be driven faster than a walk within the gates of any City cemetery.
(b) No smoking, no obscene language, and no loud or profane conversation shall be allowed within any City cemetery.
(c) No person shall wantonly or willfully remove, cut, break, or in any manner injure or destroy any tree, shrub, or plant, or pick, crush, gather, or in any manner injure or destroy any flower, either wild or cultivated, or any herbage, or the fruit or produce of any tree, shrub, or plant, within any City cemetery.
(d) No person shall, while in a state of intoxication, be permitted within the gates, nor shall any intoxicated person remain in any cemetery after having been ordered by the Cemetery Superintendent to leave.
(e) No person shall write on, cut, bruise, break, discolor or otherwise deface or injure any stone, monument, fence, or other structure within any City cemetery.
(f) No person shall discharge any firearms within any City cemetery, except at military funerals.
(g) Children will not be permitted within the cemetery unless accompanied by a parent, guardian or adult friends.
(h) No person shall catch, wound, kill or attempt to injure any bird or remove any bird’s nest or eggs therein, in any City cemetery.
(i) No person shall permit his dog to run at large in any City cemetery.
(j) No person shall sit, stand, lie or walk on any private lot within any City cemetery.
(1993 Code 91.02)