Ord. No.   Date    Description
29-63   8-12-63   Amends zoning map in accordance with five proposals on file with Council.
34-66   7-11-66   Area bounded by Kenilworth Avenue on the north, Ray T. Miskimens property line and the current R-1 R-2 demarcation line on the east, the current R-1 R-2 demarcation line and Nicholear Avenue on the south, and by the first alley lying east of Cambridge Road and south of Nicholear and by Cambridge Road on the west, R-2 to R-1.
34-66   7-11-66   Area bounded by Eighth Street on the east, Pine Street on the north, first north-south alley east of Seventh Street on the west, and east- west alley midway between Kenilworth Avenue and Pine Street on the south, R-2 to B-2.
54-66   9-12-66   17.47 acres near northwest corner of Lot 11 which point is northeast corner of the corporate limits, R-1 to M-2.
54-66   9-12-66   Area from the north line of Vine Street south to the corporate limits and from the west line of South Second Street west to the Muskingum River, R-2 to B-3.
91-66   12-1-66   Area beginning at center line of Clows Lane and extending north 250 ft., R-1 to B-3.
91-66   12-1-66   Area from a line 250 ft. north of Clows Lane extending north to center line of Browns Lane, R-1 to M-2.
91-66   12-1-66   Area from center line of Browns Lane extending north to southern corporation line, R-1 to M-1.
5-67   1-9-67   Area bounded by Chestnut Street on the south, North Second Street on the east, Locust Street on the north, and a 16-ft. north-south alley on the west, R-2 to B-3.
74-68   4-28-69   Parcel of ground formerly owned and occupied by the Central Brick Co., M-2 to R-3.
26-71   4-26-71   Area in second quarter, Range 6, Township 5, Jackson Township, annexed on February 8, 1971, rezoned B-3.
27-71   5-24-71   Part of Lot 8, third quarter, Range 6, Township 5, annexed on February 8, 1971, rezoned M-2.
18-72   3-13-72   Outlot 36, R-3 to B-2.
35-72   8-14-72   Land lying south of Bridge and Sycamore Streets, west of Bridge Street and west of a 16-ft. alley between Locust and Sycamore Streets, R-2 to R-3.
81-72   1-22-73   Area in Lot 8, second quarter, Range 6 west, Township 5 north,
      R-1 to B-3.
11-73   3-12-73   Land north of Locust Street, west of Penn-Central right of way, south of the Penn-Central spur line running parallel with Locust Street and east of Water Street, R-2 to R-3.
12-73   3-12-73   Land north of an alley between Seventh Street and Coe Avenue between Main and Chestnut Streets, south of Chestnut Street, west of Coe Street, and east of Seventh Street, R-2 to B-1.
99-73   11-26-73   Premises beginning and ending on the north line of the Board of Trade Fifth Addition, including railroad lands, containing approximately 17.287 acres, R-1 to B-3.
73-75   10-13-75   Lot 420, R-3 to B-1.
92-75   10-22-75   Part of Lots 118 and 119, owned by Ora G. Cox, R-2 to B-3.
100-75   2-9-76   Lots 1757 through 1761, owned by William V. Newell, R-2 to B-3.
27-76   2-23-76   Property owned by Cardinal Industries, Inc., M-1 to B-3.
61-76   2-28-76   Approximately 8.70 acres owned by Lorayne E. Hoop, R-2 to B-3.
32-78   5-8-78   Parts of Outlots 117 and 118, commonly referred to as 239 and 249 South Second Street, R-2 to B-3.
14-79   2-12-79   Property in vicinity of South Second Street and Mulberry Street,
      R-2 to B-3.
20-79   2-26-79   Area of Ivy Street to Brown’s Lane west of Second Street to the river, R-1 to B-3.
61-81   10-12-81   Lots 3803, 3804, 3805, 3806, and 3807, R-2 to B-2.
122-82   12-13-82   (a)   Lots O142, O143, O144R, O146R, O169R, 3836 through 3861, 3886, 3891 through 3896, and 3902 through 3908; deeds numbered 311-847, 312-408 and 293-351; from R-2 to B-2.
      (b)   Lots 3887 through 3890, and 3897 through 3901, from B-1 to B-2.
13-84   2-13-84   Lots 859 through 863 from R-2 to B-3.
39-87   6-22-87   Lots 980 through 987 in the 300 block of South 2nd Street, and Lot 1756 in the 400 block of South 2nd Street, from R-2 to B-3.
49-88   9-26-88   Property on West Chestnut Street consisting of Lots 3808, 3809, 3814, 3815, 3816, 3817, 3818, 3819, and 296-156 from R-2 to B-2.
50-88   9-26-88   Properties located east of C.R. 271 between Clow Lane and S.R. 83 from R-1 to M-2.
8-91   2-25-91   Properties located on South Fourth St., between Walnut and Mulberry St. from R-2 to B-2.
42-92   5-26-92   Property adjacent to the Senior Citizens Center on the south side of Browns Lane from M-1 to B-3.
37-93   7-12-93   Property north of Chestnut St., west of Water St., and south of Bridge St., bounded on west by Tuscarawas River from R-2 to M-2 District.
27-95   6-26-95   Real estate west of S. Sixth St., east of Columbus and Ohio River RR tracks, north of City’s corporation line with Tuscarawas Twp. and south of homes fronting on Plum St., from R-1 to M-2 District.
27-96   8-19-96   Outlots OL52 to OL55 on N. Water St. between Chestnut St. and Main St.
52-02   1-13-02   Newly annexed land owned by Community Improvement Corporation and Coshocton County Commissioners from R-1 to
      M-2 District.
45-04   7-26-04   Area lying north of Locust Street to the Ohio Central Railroad, west of North 6th Street to Ohio Central Railroad and east of the Ohio Central Railroad to North 6th Street from M-1 to R-3.
30-05   5-9-05   Area made up of the properties at 928 Main Street owned by Michael and Joni Dennis and at 925 Chestnut Street owned by R.H.D.D. from R-3 to B-1.
47-05   7-11-05   Area lies south of West Chestnut Street across from Clary Gardens and includes Outlots No. 9R, 10R, 11R and 12R from R-2 to B-2.
23-07   4-23-07   Area bounded on the north by Locust St., on the west by Water St., on the south by West Chestnut St., and on the east by the adjoining alley and comprised of Inlots 145, 146, 147, 148 from R-2 to B-3.
45-08   11-10-08   Property owned by RHDD/Washington Heights Village from R-2 to R-3.
51-10   7-12-10   The area made up of Lot No. 3911 and Lot No. 3912 in Roscoe Village with the physical address of 381 Hill Street and 347 Hill Street respectively, from R-2 One and Two Family Residential to B-2 Downtown Business District.
48-11   9-26-11   Out Lot No. 34 and Out Lots Nos. 35, 38 and 39 with the physical addresses of 636 Chestnut Street and 646 Chestnut Street respectively from R-3 Multi Family Residence District to B-2 Downtown Business District.
33-13   6-10-13   5.5743 acres located at 925 Cambridge Road from R-2 One and Two Family Residence District to R-3 Multi Family Residence.
1-14      1-13-14   10.406 acres all belonging to William Albert and all in the 1300 Cassingham Hollow area from R-1 One Family Residence District to B-3 General Business District.
3-15      2-9-15      Street Lot 395 (old Lot 42), Lot 396 (old Lot 43), Lot 397 (old Lot 44), Lot 398 (old Lot 45), part of Lot 394 (old Lot 41), Spangler’s Subdivision, Transcribed Plat Book 1, Page 47, and all of Out Lot 48 from R-3 Multi Family Residence to B-3 General Business District.
13-15      5-11-15   5.5743 acres being part of the 38.8 acre tract located at 925 Cambridge Road from R-2 One and Two Family Residence District to R-3 Multi Family Residence.
44-15   10-26-15   A 3.7188 acre tract at the north side of Autumn Drive from B-3 General Business District to R-3 Multi-Family Residence District.
6-17   3-13-17   236, 240 and 316 South Second Street and 204, 205 and 215 Mulberry Street from R-1 One Family Residence to B-3 General Business District.
9-17   3-27-17   223, 217 & 219 Mulberry Street from R-1 One Family Residence to B-3 General Business District.
13-17   4-24-17   208, 218 and 222 Mulberry Street and the empty lot behind 222 Mulberry Street from R-1 One Family Residence to B-3 General Business District.
17-17   6-27-17   1502 Chestnut Street from R-2 One and Two-Family Residence to B-1 Neighborhood Business District.
6-18      2-26-18   1991 Otsego Avenue from B-3 General Business to R-3 Multi-Family District.
15-18      3-12-18   1434, 1414, 1404 and 1340 Chestnut Street from R-2 One and Two-Family Residence District to B-1 Neighborhood Business District.
25-18      10-9-18   315, 317, 319, 321, 325, 327 & 329 South Street and a portion of vacated alley from R-2 One and Two-Family District to M-2 General Manufacturing District.
18-19   3-25-19   200 South Second Street from R-1 One-Family Residence District to B-2 Neighborhood Downtown Business District.
23-19   4-8-19   Amends Ordinance 18-19; 200 South Second Street from R-1 One-Family Residence District to B-3 General Business District.
28-23   6-12-23   The following described area from B-3 General Business District to R-1 One-Family Residence District.
      1.   Parcel #0440000058500, Lot #11 Airy View Heights Subdivision Phase 2, known as 130 Spitler Drive, consisting of 2.8083 Acres.
      2.   Parcel #0440000058503, Lot #5031 Airy View Heights Subdivision Phase 1, on Spitler Drive, no address assigned, consisting of 0.9485 Acres.
      3.   Parcel #0440000058504, Lot #5032 Airy View Heights Subdivision Phase 1, known as 13 Kimberly Lane, consisting of 0.6222 Acres.
      4.   Parcel #0440000058505, Lot #5033 Airy View Heights Subdivision Phase 1, known as 17 Kimberly Lane, consisting of 0.7362 Acres.
      5.   Parcel #0440000058506, Lot #5034 Airy View Heights Subdivision Phase 1, known as 19 Kimberly Lane, consisting of 0.8312 Acres.
      6.   Parcel #0440000058507, Lot #5035 Airy View Heights Subdivision Phase 1, known as 18 Kimberly Lane, consisting of 0.7921 Acres.
      7.   Parcel #0440000058508, Lot #5036 Airy View Heights Subdivision Phase 1, known as 14 Kimberly Lane, consisting of 0.5429 Acres.
      8.   Parcel #0440000058509, Lot #5037 Airy View Heights Subdivision Phase 1, known as 10 Kimberly Lane, consisting of 0.6153 Acres.
      9.   Parcel #0440000058510, Lot #5038 Airy View Heights Subdivision Phase 1, on Spitler Drive, no address assigned, consisting of 0.8924 Acres.
      10.   Parcel #0440000058511, Lot #5039 Airy View Heights Subdivision Phase 1, on Spitler Drive, no address assigned, consisting of 0.6577 Acres.
      11.   Parcel #0440000058515, Lot #12 Airy View Heights Subdivision Phase 2, known as 120 Spitler Drive, consisting of 1.614 Acres.
      12.   Parcel #0440000058518, Lot #1 Airy View Heights Subdivision Phase 2, on Spitler Drive, no address assigned, consisting of 0.7494 Acres.
      13.   Parcel #0440000058519, Lot #2 Airy View Heights Subdivision Phase 2, on Spitler Drive, no address assigned, consisting of 1.0559 Acres.
      14.   Parcel #0440000058520, Lot #3 Airy View Heights Subdivision Phase 2, Known as 119 Spitler Drive, consisting of 0.7724 Acres.
      15.   Parcel #0440000058521, Lot #4 Airy View Heights Subdivision Phase 2, on Spitler Drive, no address assigned, consisting of 0.725 Acres.
      16.   Parcel #0440000058522, Lot #5 Airy View Heights Subdivision Phase 2, known as 129 Spitler Drive, consisting of 0.7915 Acres.
      17.   Parcel #0440000058523, Lot #6 Airy View Heights Subdivision Phase 2, known as 135 Spitler Drive, consisting of 0.6821 Acres.
      18.   Parcel #0440000058524, Lot #7 Airy View Heights Subdivision Phase 2, known as 145 Spitler Drive, consisting of 0.8574 Acres.
      19.   Parcel #0440000058525, Lot #8 Airy View Heights Subdivision Phase 2, known as 160 Spitler Drive, consisting of 1.6388 Acres.
      20.   Parcel #0440000058526, Lot #9 Airy View Heights Subdivision Phase 2, on Spitler Drive, no address assigned, consisting of 1.6703 Acres.
      21.   Parcel #0440000058527, Lot #10 Airy View Heights Subdivision Phase 2, known as 140 Spitler Drive, consisting of 1.2978 Acres.
      22.   Parcel #0440000058528, Lot #13 Airy View Heights Subdivision Phase 2, known as 110 Spitler Drive, consisting of 0.9753 Acres.
      23.   Parcel #0440000058529, on Spitler Drive, no address assigned, consisting of 0.1924 Acres.
6-24   2-12-24   Re-zones to R-1 the following parcel numbers 0430000073300, 0430000074200, 0430000331100, 0430000330800, and 0430000330902, located at the 500 block of South 12th Street.