The paving of streets by the use of Portland cement concrete shall be done in accordance with the following specifications:
(a) Minimum width shall be thirty-one feet back-to-back of curbs.
(b) Curbs shall be of the following dimensions:
(1) Seven inches high.
(2) Six inches wide at the base.
(3) Five inches wide at the top.
(4) One inch batter on the face.
(c) Pavement slab shall be seven inches uniform thickness.
(d) Curbs shall be poured integral with the slab.
(e) Pavement shall have a crown which is to be a parabolic curve that is five and one- half inches higher at the center line than at the gutter.
(f) Concrete shall be plain and not reinforced.
(g) Steel bars shall be used at joints as follows:
(1) One-half inch round deformed bars thirty inches long spaced at thirty inches center-to-center across all longitudinal joints.
(2) Three-fourths inch round smooth bars twenty-four inches long spaced at twenty-four inches center-to-center shall be placed across all contraction joints.
(3) Three-fourths inch smooth bars twenty-four inches long shall be placed at twelve inches center-to-center across all expansion joints.
(h) Width between longitudinal joints shall not exceed eleven feet.
(i) The location of all joints shall be so designed that no angle between any two joints shall be less than ninety degrees.
(j) One-inch thick expansion joints completely crossing the pavement shall be placed at the end of all radial curbs and at the end of all tangents.
(k) Transverse contraction joints shall have a maximum spacing of not more than twenty feet.
(1993 Code 96.29)