(a)    Applications for ridesharing licenses shall be made to the Director of Public Safety and Service upon blanks provided by the Director. The application shall set forth the name and address of the applicant, the trade name under which he does business, the class of vehicle for which the license is desired, the seating capacity, and any other information required by the Director. If the application is granted, the applicant shall furnish the Director, prior to the issuance of the license, with information covering the particular vehicle to be licensed. The information shall include the make, state license number, length of time the vehicle has been in use, and the motor number thereof.
   (b)    The Director of Public Safety and Service or a law enforcement officer shall investigate each application for a ridesharing license, and if they decide after the investigation that the public convenience and necessity justify the operation of the vehicle for which a license is desired, the applicant shall furnish the Director of Public Safety and Service with any additional information required . If the Director then finds that the applicant is the owner of the vehicle for which a license is desired, that the vehicle is a safe and fit conveyance, and that it complies with all the requirements of this chapter, he or the Mayor shall issue a license to the applicant upon payment of the proper license fee and the furnishing of the bond or insurance required in Section 731.06.
(Ord. 5-21. Passed 3-22-21.)