(a)   In addition to the above procedures, if any applicant for a certificate of appropriateness seeks approval of demolition, the Commission may delay determination of the application for a period of one hundred eighty (180) days upon a finding that the structure is of such importance that alternatives to demolition may be feasible and should be actively pursued by both the applicant and the board. In the event that action on an application is delayed as provided herein, the Commission may take such steps as it deems necessary to preserve the structure in accordance with the purposes of this ordinance. Such steps may include but are not limited to, consultation with civic groups, public agencies, and interested citizens, marketing plans, recommendation for acquisition of the property by public or private bodies or agencies, and exploration of the possibility of moving the structure or structures.
   (b)   Before a Certificate of Appropriateness is issued for demolition, the applicant shall provide information concerning proposed redevelopment of the site and the Commission shall review such proposal for compliance with the above standards and any applicable design guidelines.
   (c)   Applications for demolition of a structure shall also include:
      (1)   Current photographic documentation of the structure, inside and out, showing existing conditions.
      (2)   A written evaluation of the structure's current condition and the cause of such structures state of disrepair, as applicable.
      (3)   A written statement outlining the reasons for demolition, alternatives to demolition that have been considered.
      (4)   Architectural plans for proposed new construction on the site, or reconstruction of the structure, as applicable.
      (5)   Any additional information as deemed necessary to review the application by the Commission.
         (Ord. 17-20. Passed 4-13-20.)