General Provisions
31.001 Fiscal year
31.002 Proposed budget statement; contents; availability; correction
31.003 Proposed budget statement; hearing; adoption; certification of tax amount
31.004 Adopted budget statement; filing; certification of amount of tax
31.005 Budget procedure
31.006 Appropriations
31.007 All-purpose levy; allocation; abandonment; extraordinary levies
31.008 Expenditures
31.009 Contracts and purchases; bidding and other requirements
31.010 Annual audit; financial statements
31.011 Claims
31.012 Warrants
31.013 Special assessment fund
31.014 Sinking funds, gifts
31.015 Deposit of funds
31.016 Investment of funds
31.017 Bond issues
31.018 Property tax; certification of amount
31.019 Property tax levy; maximum; authority to exceed
31.020 Property tax levy and request; authority to set
31.021 Budget revision
31.022 Time deposits; conditions
31.023 Credit cards and electronic funds transfers; authority to accept
31.024 Sales tax
31.035 Municipal officials
31.036 Conflict of interest involving contracts
31.037 Contract exemption
31.038 For seasonal or emergency work
Initiative and Referendum
31.050 Definitions
31.051 Petitions, ballots
31.052 Petitions; form; declaratory judgments
31.053 Signature sheets
31.054 Petitions, affidavit
31.055 Petitions, notification
31.056 Frequency of occurrence
31.057 Direct vote
31.058 Elections
31.059 Ballots
31.060 Initiative
31.061 Referendum limitations
31.062 Referendum, passage
31.063 Application
Fee Schedule
31.075 Fee schedule
31.999 Penalty