351.16 FIRE LANES.
   (a)   The Fire Department of the City has recommended under the BOCA Fire Code enacted by this City that in order to efficiently and effectively use its firefighting apparatus within the City that specific designated fire lanes be created in which parking shall be strictly prohibited.
   (a)   The following locations shall herein after be declared fire lanes, and marked as such, to-wit:
      (1)   On the east side of Park Ave., from the intersection of Main St., and Park Ave., to the intersection of Park Ave. and Market St.
      (2)   On the west side of Park Ave. from Lattin St. to Main St.
      (3)   On the South Bank St. from the intersection of South Bank St. and West Main St. to the rear of the building located at 205 W. Main St. on the east side of South Bank St., and from the intersection of South Bank St. and West Main St. to the rear of the building located at 217 W. Main St. on the west side of South Bank St.
      (4)   On St. Andrews from East Main St. to the end of the grass median.
      (5)   Debra Place-- cul-de-sac.
      (6)   Wendy Place--cul-de-sac.
      (7)   Southside of Evon Circle from Southdale to the cul-de-sac.
   (c)   The fire Chief is hereby authorized to temporarily restrict or prohibit parking and/or restrict or prohibit vehicle traffic on, across or through any designated City street or streets during any special event or events which may impede the efficiency and effective use of firefighting or other emergency apparatus.
   (d)   Parking at any time within these areas designated and marked as fire lanes shall strictly be prohibited.
   (e)   Any motor vehicle found parked and unattended shall be towed at the owner’s expense.
   (f)   Any person who violates any provision of this section or who violates or fails to comply with any order of a fire or police officer made hereunder shall be guilty of a minor misdemeanor for each and every such violation hereunder.
(Ord. 0-59-13. Passed 10-7-13.)