(a)   Original Appointments.
      (1)   The appointing authority shall appoint in the following manner: each time a selection is made, it shall be from one of the names that ranks in the top ten (10) names on the eligible list or the top twenty-five percent (25%) of the eligible list, whichever is greater. In the event that ten (10) or fewer names are on the eligible list, the appointing authority may select any of the listed candidates.
      (2)   If there is no eligibility list for appointments in any service, the Mayor shall certify this fact to the Civil Service Commission, which must conduct an examination within sixty (60) days, certify the list to the Mayor within twenty (20) days of the final examination, and the Mayor shall appoint within ten (10) days.
      (3)   The Mayor may make emergency or temporary appointments without competitive examination "when there are urgent reasons for filling a vacancy" but the appointment may not continue for more than ninety (90) days and "in no case will a successive appointment be made."
         (ORC 124.30(A)(1)).
      (4)   All appointments are probationary for 180 days, and the Mayor may dismiss appointees during that period or at the end of the probationary period. Dismissed appointees have the right of appeal in accordance with Section 149.10 of this ordinance. (ORC 124.27)
      (5)   There is hereby established a maximum age of forty (40) (before or on the applicants date of appointment) for a person to apply to the City for an original appointment to the City's Fire Department or to the City's Police Department.
      (6)   Applicants that have transferable full-time credit from a State of Ohio retirement system or from Ohio Police and Fire Pension Fund shall use this time to reduce their actual age to meet the (age forty (40) maximum age for original appointment provided the applicant passes a fit-for-duty medical evaluation. (i.e. Actual age of fifty (50) minus ten (10) years of full-time credit on OP&F from another department equals forty (40) years of age for initial hire).
   (b)   Promotional Appointments.
      (1)   Vacancies in positions in the classified service shall be filled insofar as practicable by promotions. All examinations for higher classification shall be competitive and may include written tests, oral tests, and/or assessment centers, and shall relate to those matters which test the ability of the person being examined to discharge the particular duties of the position sought. The Commission shall prescribe the subject areas of each examination and the relative weights assigned to each subject area prior to the date of the examination.
      (2)   Vacancies described herein shall be filled by promotion from among persons holding positions in a rank lower than the position to be filled. No competitive promotional examination shall be held unless there are at least two (2) persons eligible to compete. Whenever the commission determines that there are fewer than two (2) persons holding positions in the rank next lower than the position to be filled, who are eligible and willing to compete, the commission shall allow the persons holding positions in the then next lower rank who are eligible, to compete with the persons holding positions in the rank lower than the position to be filled. The persons in the lower rank must meet all seniority requirements for the rank that is next lower than the position to be filled.
      (3)   Fire Department Promotions.
         A.   Those persons who compete in a promotional examination in accordance with the rules of the Civil Service Commission shall have added to their passing grade:
         B.   Credit for Seniority - Credit for Seniority shall be given as follows: one point shall be added for each of the first four (4) years of service, and six-tenths (0.6) of a point shall be added for each year for the next ten (10) years of service. In computing the credit for
            seniority, half of the credit specified in this paragraph shall be given for a half year of service. This provides for a maximum of ten (10) points added to an applicant's passing score. Credit for seniority shall be based only on service in Cortland Fire Department and shall be added to score at time of examination.
         C.   Credit for Education:
            1.   An application with a Master's Degree shall receive an additional fifteen percent (15%) of passing grade on any promotional competitive examination.
            2.   An applicant with a Bachelor's Degree shall receive an additional ten percent (10%) of passing grade on any promotional competitive examination.
            3.   An applicant with an Associate's Degree shall receive an additional five percent (5%) of passing grade on any promotional competitive examination.
            4.   Must be from a National or Regional Accredited institution; only highest level of education shall be given; only one shall apply and shall be added to score at time of examination.
         D.   Credit for Certifications: An applicant shall receive additional credit, as listed below, of a passing grade on a competitive promotional exam. (Shall be added to score at time of examination).
            1.   National Fire Academy Executive Fire Officer
               Program -                   5%
            2.   Ohio Executive Fire Officer (OEF) -         4%
            3.   Fire Officer 1,2,3 & 4 (1% each) - Max      4%
            4.   Certified Fire Inspector -            2%
            5.   EMS or Firefighter Instructor            2%
            6.   Basic Fire Investigator            1%
            7.   Current Blue Card Command Class -      1%
               (or equivalent + 40-50 hours of instruction w/additional simulation hours)
      (4)    Police Department Promotions.
         A.   Those persons who compete in a promotional examination in accordance with the rules of the Civil Service Commission shall have added to their passing grade:
Credit for Seniority- Credit for Seniority shall be given as follows: one point shall be added for each of the first four (4) years of service, and six-tenths (0.6) of a point shall be added for each year for the next ten (10) years of service. In computing the credit for seniority, half of the credit specified in this paragraph shall be given for a half year of service. This provides for a maximum of ten (10) points added to an applicant's passing score. Credit for seniority shall be based only on full time service in Cortland Police Department and shall be added to score at time of examination.
      B.   No person shall be eligible for appointment to the position of police chief without having fifteen (15) years of full-time service as a police officer and hold a current Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy Certification. The person shall have been employed as a full-time police officer within the previous twelve (12) months prior to appointment.
      (5)   Maximum of twenty percent (20%) shall be added to an applicant's passing grade for the combined seniority, education and certification provided the applicant produces proof of completion at time of examination. (Each point for seniority shall be considered one percent (1%) for this calculation).
      (6)   When service is interrupted by service in the armed forces of the United States, seniority credit shall be granted in promotional examinations for the time so served. No additional credit for military service shall be allowed in promotional examinations.
         (ORC 124.45; Ord. 0-52-22. Passed 10-17-22.)