(a) The following Officials are hereby designated as the sole Purchasing Authority for their department: the Mayor for the Municipality Administrative Offices; the Director of Public Service for the Service Department; the Finance Director for the Finance Department; the Chief of Police for the Police Department, the Fire Chief for the Fire Department and the Clerk of Council for Cortland City Council.
(b) The Purchasing Authority shall have the right to purchase routine supplies, authorize routine equipment repairs, and authorize other routine expenditures within the limits appropriated for each purpose by Council.
(c) Expenditures intended for, but not limited to capital improvements, equipment acquisitions, or such other Municipal projects which can be defined as a specific plan whose expenditures within the plan are supporting a single endeavor, requiring the expenditure of five thousand dollars ($5,000) or more whether by single purchase or by a series of purchases whose total exceeds or is anticipated to exceed the sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000) shall require three (3) quotes, if applicable, submitted for prior approval of Council by Ordinance authorizing the Mayor as its purchasing authority.
(d) The purchase of equipment, capital improvements and major purchases not provided for in subsection (c) hereof and exceeding five thousand dollars ($5,000) require three (3) quotes, if applicable, submitted for the approval of Council by Ordinance authorizing the Mayor as its purchasing authority.
(e) When an expenditure of more than seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000) except for the acquisition of vehicles by the Service Director, Fire Chief and Police Chief which shall be authorized in subsection (g) hereof is to be made, the regular advertising and contracting procedures required by law shall be used.
(f) The following purchasing procedure shall be used for routine purchases:
(1) A purchase order form shall be used. This form shall contain space for all necessary bookkeeping information as well as the Finance Director's certificate.
(2) The purchasing authority shall have a purchase order prepared and signed by him for any purchase or expenditure he is authorized to make, and submit same to the Finance Director.
(3) The Finance Director shall then check the unencumbered balance in the fund from which the purchase is to be and if funds are available, shall sign the certification, number and date the purchase order. The original purchase order is retained by the Finance Director.
(4) The Finance Director shall make payment and prepare a voucher for Council review.
(5) Blanket purchase orders shall be issued, up to the amount appropriated, not to exceed thirty-five thousand dollars ($35,000) for such continuing purchases as gasoline for vehicles, slag for road maintenance, salt for ice control, etc.
(6) No purchase orders need be issued for “open order” services such as electricity, telephone, salaries, and auditor's deductions for election expenses, workmen’s compensation, etc,
(7) As each purchase order is written, the Finance Director shall “encumber” the amount of the purchase in the appropriation ledger. When final payment is made correction should be made for any slight variation between encumbrance and actual payment on the appropriation ledger.
(8) Council and the Purchasing Authority shall receive, periodically, a summary of appropriations, expenditures, encumbrances, and unencumbered balance in the various appropriations.
(9) When any appropriation becomes depleted, or nears depletion, Council shall authorize a transfer of funds, expenditures from that fund shall cease, or Council shall take other measures to maintain a balance of each appropriation.
(g) The following purchasing procedure shall be used for the purchase of vehicles for the City by the Service Director, Fire Chief and Police Chief when the cost of the vehicles will not exceed one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000):
Each Department head shall research the best price available at the time for the City vehicle. Best efforts shall be used by the Department Head to obtain a fair and reasonable price based upon current vehicle markets and availability and then identify the best quote followed by approval by council in the form of an Ordinance.
(h) If an emergency requires the expenditure of funds exceeding five thousand dollars ($5,000), the Mayor shall have authority to approve such, provided the emergency is of a nature that creates a direct and potential threat to the lives and safety of the community.
(Ord. 0-66-23. Passed 1-16-24.)