This section concerns all signs intended to be displayed for a limited period of time.
   (a)    Public and Semi-Public. The following public or semi-public temporary signs shall be subject to approval by the Service Director but are exempt from the provisions of Section 1321.02. Such signs shall be displayed only for the purpose of directing attention to civic or community events of a public or semi-public nature and not for private gain. Applications for such signs shall be made in writing and shall include a picture of the sign and a drawing showing its location.
      (1)    Signs and banners suspended over or placed upon public property, provided such signs:
         A.    Are no larger than thirty-two square feet (32) for ground signs;
         B.    Are no larger than sixty square feet (60) for banner signs;
         C.    Are erected no sooner than fifteen (15) days before the event and taken down within three (3) days of the event;
         D.    The sponsoring organization shall indemnify the City against all judgements, costs, or expenses resulting from such display, and provide restitution to the City for any such judgements, costs or expenses.
      (2)    Special community event signs, which may be located on private property other than the premises on which the event occurs, provided such signs:
         A.    Are no larger than thirty-two square feet (32);
         B.    Are located on properties only with the owner's consent;
         C.    Are located no closer to the street than the right-of-way line, or located on the principal building side of any existing sidewalk;
         D.    Number only one (1) per property;
         E.    Are erected no sooner than fifteen (15) days before the event and taken down within three (3) days after the event; and
         F.    Shall only be ground signs.
   (b)    Signs Requiring a Permit. The following temporary signs shall not be erected without first obtaining a permit. The permit may be issued by the Service Director without approval of the Building, Zoning and Planning Commission. The permit duration shall be for one (1) year, and renewable with a new permit application unless specific limitations apply:
      (1)    Project signs, providing that such signs:
         A.    Are no larger than thirty-two (32) square feet per face;
         B.    Are located only on the project property;
         C.    Are located at least ten feet (10') from the right-of-way line;
         D.    Number only one (l) per project except that the property fronting on more than one right-of-way is allowed one for each such frontage;
         E.    The sign shall be removed within ten (10) days of final occupancy; and
         F.    Shall be a ground mounted sign.
      (2)   Commercial or industrial real estate signs, provided that such signs:
         A.    Are no larger than thirty-two square feet (32) per face;
         B.    Are located only on the property for sale or lease;
         C.    Are located at least ten feet (10') from the right-of-way line;
         D.    Number only one per property; and
         E.    Shall be a ground mounted sign.
      (3)    Model home signs in residential districts provided such signs:
         A.    Are no larger than twelve square feet (12) per face;
         B.    Are located only on the same property as the model home;
         C.    Are located at least ten feet (10') from the right-of-way line;
         D.    Number only one per lot;
         E.    Shall be a ground mounted sign.
         F.    One directional sign advertising a model home may be placed in the right-of-way of the nearest cross street, location subject to approval of the Service Director.
      (4)    Supplemental commercial signs, which may be sandwich board type signs, provided such signs:
         A.    Are no larger than six square feet (6) per face;
         B.    Are located only on the same commercial property as the business advertised or on private property with the owner's consent;
         C.    Are located no closer to the street than the right-of-way line or located on the principal building side of any existing sidewalk;
         D.    Are displayed only during the hours of operation on business days;
         E.    Number only one per commercial property;
         F.    Have no more than seventy-five percent (75%) of the sign area as changeable copy.
         G.    Such signs are not permitted in residentially zoned areas.
      (5)    Banner signs on commercial properties, provided such signs:
         A.    Are no larger than twenty (20) square feet per face;
         B.    Are located only on the wall of the principal building which is the business frontage chosen for signage;
         C.    Number only one (1) per business;
         D.    Shall not be displayed for more than thirty (30) consecutive days, no more than four (4) times per year, with an interval of at least thirty (30) days between displays; and
         E.    Shall not be allowed where a supplemental commercial sign is being displayed on a parcel.
      (6)    Temporary changeable copy sign for a new business, provided such signs:
         A.    Are no larger than thirty-two (32) square feet per face;
         B.    Shall extend no nearer than fifteen (15) feet from the edge of the pavement of any street or public way. If not feasible the sign shall extend no closer than one-half the distance from the edge of the street or public right of way to the closest building or structure;
         C.    Require a one time, non-renewable permit to display the sign for a period of no more than sixty (60) days after date of issuance;
         D.    The Service Director is authorized to require changes in location or display and may revoke permits issued for violations of this chapter, or should other circumstances dictate such action.
            (Ord. 0-19-09. Passed 5-18-09.)