(a)    All building permits shall be purchased from the Building Inspector.
   (b)    The Building Inspector shall not issue a building permit until visual inspection of the proposed building site is made and the set building site approved.
   (c)    A second visual inspection shall be made at the time of excavation to ascertain that the building is being built to the exact specifications and at the exact location set forth and approved at the time of the first visual inspection.
   (d)    All building permits issued by the Building Inspector shall expire one year from the date of issuance.
   (e)    Where it is found necessary to engage an assistant to such Building Inspector, the hiring of such assistant Building Inspector is hereby authorized.
(Ord. 1504. Passed 5-7-73.)
   (f)    (1)    All developers/owners shall obtain from the Zoning Inspector a license to develop and build. Such license must be secured before any plat approved by the Planning, Zoning and Building Commission and Council is recorded. Such license shall be for one year and shall be renewed each and every year construction continues in the development. The cost of license is set at fifty dollars ($50.00).
      (2)    Any developer/owner not conforming to the Zoning and Building ordinances of the City shall have his license revoked and will not be permitted to build within the City until such time he is reinstated by the Zoning Inspector.
(Ord. 0-12-85. Passed 8-19-85.)