1195.03 STORM SEWER.
   (a)    Service. All new subdivisions shall include provisions for storm sewer service to all lots.
   (b)    Location and Alignment. All storm sewers shall be located on the opposite side of the street from watermains and as shown on the typical street section for the appropriate type street in the appendix (except in horizontal street curves) unless approved otherwise by the City Planning, Zoning and Building Commission due to unusual conditions in which a different location would provide a better arrangement. Storm sewer alignment in horizontal street curves shall be straight between manholes and shall minimize the amount of deviation from the typical street section location. Storm sewer grades shall be sufficient to provide a velocity of three (3) feet per second when flowing full. An absolute minimum of two (2) feet per second may be used with the approval of the Service Director.
   (c)    Size. The minimum size for storm sewers shall be twelve (12) inches. Larger storm sewer sizes may be required where storm flows require such an increase or, if in the opinion of the Service Director or the City Planning, Zoning and Building Commission, anticipated future development adjacent to the subdivision justifies such an increase. The additional construction cost (above the construction cost of the size storm sewer that would otherwise be required) for storm sewer (and appurtenances) size increases due to anticipated future development shall be borne by the City.
   (d)    Connections. New storm sewers (and appurtenances ) shall not be connected to existing storm sewers (and appurtenances) of insufficient capacity. New storm sewers (and appurtenances), where feasible, shall be connected to the adjacent existing storm sewer with the largest amount of unused capacity.
   (e)    Standards. Storm sewers and appurtenances, including manholes and catch basins, shall be designed and laid out in accordance with the standards of the Ohio Department of Transportation Location and Design Manual, current edition, except as modified herein. Manhole and catch basin spacing shall not exceed 300 feet.
   (f)   Laterals. Storm sewer laterals shall be a minimum size of six (6) inches and a minimum grade sufficient to provide a minimum velocity when flowing full of three (3) feet per second. Laterals shall be extended from the storm sewer to ten (10) feet beyond the right of way line for each lot and shall not be located under or within ten (10) feet of driveways wherever practical. Lateral ends shall be plugged until the time of connection to the building lateral. All roof drains and other storm drainage lines from buildings or lots shall be connected to the storm sewer lateral.
(Ord. 0-37-95. Passed 5-15-95.)