(a)    Street Names. New names are required for all new streets. Such street names shall be subject to the approval of the Service Director and the City Planning, Zoning and Building Commission. Streets which are essentially contiguous shall have the same name. No street names shall be similar in spelling or pronunciation to existing street or highway names.
   (b)    Street Signs. All required street signs (required at all intersections) shall be installed by the City or by the Subdivider in accordance with City requirements so as to maintain uniformity and legibility. Subdivider shall reimburse the City for all costs associated with the street signs and installation if they are installed by the City.
   (c)    Traffic Signs. All required traffic signs shall be installed by the City so as to maintain uniformity and legibility.
   (d)    Street Lighting. Street lighting shall be required on all streets. Street lighting shall be in accordance with City requirements, shall be as recommended by the electric company and shall be subject to the approval of the Service Director and the City Planning, Zoning and Building Commission so as to maintain uniformity and for safety reasons.
(Ord. 0-37-95. Passed 5-15-95.)