(a)    General. All streets shall be designed and arranged in conformance with the City Thoroughfare Plan or, if not contained in such plan, shall conform to the recommendations of the Service Director and the City Planning, Zoning and Building Commission.
   (b)    Design Speed. All streets shall be designed to a minimum design speed of 35 miles per hour.
   (c)    Pavement Design. All pavement shall be designed based upon the type of soil below the pavement, the street classification and the anticipated traffic volume and loading.
   (d)   Continuity. New streets, or modifications to existing streets, shall include provisions for the continuation of existing streets in adjacent areas (or their appropriate projection where not located in immediately adjacent areas) as deemed necessary for the public welfare.
   (e)    Through Traffic. Residential streets should be designed to discourage through traffic, however, offset streets should be avoided.
   (f)   Angle of Intersection. All streets should intersect each other at as close to a right (90 degree) angle as possible. The angle of intersection between arterial or collector streets or highways and other streets or highways should not vary by more than ten degrees (10 degrees) from a right angle. No streets shall be permitted to have an angle of intersection of less than seventy degrees (70 degrees).
   (g)    Connection. Streets which serve or which are projected to serve business areas or other large volumes of traffic shall connect directly to major collector streets or arterial streets or highways in order to limit volumes of traffic on subcollector streets and residential streets.
(Ord. 0-37-95. Passed 5-15-95.)