(a)    Informal Consultation. While the subdivision is in sketch form and prior to the preparation of the preliminary plat for final plat, the subdivider shall consult with the Service Director and other appropriate City officials and designees so that he/she may know of the applicable provisions of these Subdivision Regulations, other applicable regulations and utility requirements.
   (b)    Preapplication Sketch Plan. The subdivider shall submit to the Service Director an informal sketch plan which shall be legibly drawn at a minimum scale of one (1) inch equals 200 feet and shall contain the following minimum information:
      (1)    The proposed layout, approximate acreage, the number of lots and contemplated business areas, playgrounds and park areas.
      (2)    A general area map showing the proposed subdivision in relation to existing community facilities, public highways, transportation facilities, shopping centers, schools and existing zoning.
      (3)    The approximate location of utilities; including water, sanitary sewer and storm water disposal; and of proposed street improvements in the proposed subdivision.
      (4)   An enlarged U.S.G.S. or similar topographic data sufficient to evaluate the proposed plan, an approximate scale, title, north point, date and name, address and phone number of the owner and/or developer.
   Three (3) sets of the sketch plan shall be submitted to the Service Director. The Service Director shall forward copies of the sketch plan to such officials and agencies as may be necessary for the purpose of study and comments. After receipt of comments from such officials and agencies, the Service Director shall, within a reasonable period, discuss any comments with the Owner or Owner's representative.
   Sketch plan study and comments shall be conditioned upon compliance with these Subdivision Regulations and all other applicable statutes, resolutions and standards of the City and shall not constitute automatic approval of the preliminary plat.
   (c)   Subdivision Type Determination. The Service Director shall, at the time of sketch plan study and comments, determine if the proposed subdivision will be processed as a minor subdivision or a major subdivision. A minor subdivision shall proceed to be processed as a final plat. A major subdivision shall proceed to be processed in the preliminary plat and then final plat sequence.
(Ord. 0-37-95. Passed 5-15-95.)