(a)    These Subdivision Regulations shall be effective following adoption by the City Planning, Zoning and Building Commission and the City Council (in accordance with the Codified Ordinances of the City). All ordinances or parts thereof which are in conflict with or inconsistent with these Subdivision Regulations shall be deemed to be repealed to the extent necessary to give these Subdivision Regulations full force and effect. These Subdivision Regulations shall in no way affect any subdivision having received preliminary approval from the City Planning, Zoning and Building Commission prior to the effective date, provided, however, that no changes to the approved preliminary plat are introduced by the subdivider.
   (b)    It is not intended by these Subdivision Regulations to repeal, abrogate, annul or in any way impair or interfere with existing provisions or other restriction placed upon property by deed, covenant or other private agreement or with restrictive covenants running with the land to which the City is a party. Where these Subdivision Regulations impose a greater restriction upon land than is imposed or required by such existing provisions of contract or deed, the provisions of these Subdivision Regulations shall control.
(Ord. 0-37-95. Passed 5-15-95.)