(a)   Purpose. This district is intended to accommodate wholesaling, distribution, storage, processing, light manufacturing, and general service uses. Certain related structures and uses required to serve the needs of such uses are permitted outright and are permissible upon review subject to restrictions and requirements intended to best fulfill the intent of this Zoning Ordinance.
   (b)   Permitted Principal Uses and Structures.
      (1)   See Attachment B for details.
      (2)   Other uses which are considered to be compatible with the aforementioned uses which also abide by Federal and State law.
   (c)   Uses Permitted on Review.
      (1)   The following uses may be permitted on review by the Planning and Zoning Commission in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 1133.
      (2)   See Attachment D for details.
      (3)   Other uses which are considered to be compatible with the aforementioned uses which also abide by Federal and State law.
   (d)   Height Limitation.
      (1)   No building or structure shall exceed 75 feet in height except as provided in Section 1125.07.
      (2)   No building or structure on a lot in the Services District which is adjacent to a residential district shall exceed 35 feet unless there is 1 additional foot of setback on the sides adjacent to the residential district for each additional foot of height.
   (e)   Dimensional Requirements.
      (1)   Front setback. See Attachment C for details.
      (2)   Side setback. See Attachment C for details.
      (3)   Rear setback. See Attachment C for details.
   (f)   Buffers and Green Areas. See Attachment C and Section 1125.16 for details on buffers and green areas.
   (g)   Off-Street Parking. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the provisions set forth in Section 1125.09 .
   (h)   Off-Street Loading. Off-street loading shall be provided in accordance with the provisions set forth in Section 1125.10 .
(Ord. 0-35-96. Passed 8-5-96.)