(a)   Purpose.
      (1)   The intent of this district is to accommodate commercial development that is environmentally and aesthetically compatible with surrounding residential areas. The requirements of this district are designed to ensure that the C-lN commercial development be in harmony with the surrounding residential area in such a way that it does not impair existing and future residential development. All establishments developed under the C-lN classification shall be scaled to meet the convenience shopping needs of the immediate area.
      (2)   The following criteria should be used in zoning property C-lN:
         A.   The C-lN zoning classification must be consistent with the development plan for the area.
         B.   It should be determined that the proposed C-lN zoning clas sification is necessary to provide the immediate area with convenience shopping.
         C.   The C-lN use must not put any undue burden on existing    streets or utilities.
         D.   Wherever possible, group development should be encouraged as an effort to concentrate C-lN uses.
         E.   Reclassification to C-lN should not contribute to undue scattering of commercial development.
         F.   The C-lN zone shall be located on a sub & collector or an    arterial street.
   (b)   Uses Permitted on Review.  
      (1)   Uses permitted in the C-lN district are permitted on review by the Planning and Zoning Commission in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 1133.
      (2)   See Attachment D for details.
      (3)   Other uses which are considered to be compatible with the aforementioned used which also abide by Federal and State law.
   (c)   Relationship of Building to Lots. One or more principal structures may be permitted on a single lot.
   (d)   Minimum Yard Requirements. See Attachment C for details.
   (e)   Maximum Height of Structures. Maximum height of all structures shall not exceed 40 feet.
   (f)   Minimum Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements. Off-street parking as set forth in Section 1125.09 and loading requirements as set forth in Section 1125.10 shall be met.
   (g)   Signs. Identification signs and business signs are allowed subject to review by the Planning and Zoning Commission. No signs shall have flashing lights or movable display parts and shall comply with Chapter 1321 .
   (h)   Buffers. None required.
   (i)   Application Procedure.
      (1)   All applications for development in the C-lN district shall be made to the office of the Zoning Administrator. The Zoning Administrator shall, within 5 days, forward copies of the application to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Within 30 days, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall submit a written review and recommendation of the application to City Council.
      (2)   Before the Planning and Zoning Commission makes a recommendation to the City Council, it shall determine the following:
         A.   That the spirit of the Zoning Ordinance shall not be violated.
         B.   That the proposed development will be in harmony with existing developments.
         C.   That the proposed development will be a desirable addition to the physical pattern of the neighborhood.
         D.   That the design be such that additional traffic will not be a burden on existing streets.
         E.   That no adverse environmental impacts will be created by the proposed development.
         F.   That the size of the proposed development will not exceed the convenience commercial needs of the immediate area.
         G.   That the visual appearance of the development will harmonize with the existing development.
         H.   That the architectural character blends with the surrounding area.
      (3)   Applications for a C-lN development shall include the following data and other reasonable information that the Planning and Zoning Commission may require in their review of the application:
         A.   The location and size of the site.
         B.   The location of all curb cuts and points of egress and ingress and all sidewalks and dimensions thereof.
         C.   Density of land use proposed for every part of the site.
         D.   The location and size of any existing or proposed roads within the C-lN district.
         E.   Photographs of surrounding development.
         F.   Elevations of proposed development.
         G.   Perspective sketch indicating color and materials of all structures and screenings.
         H.   The location of all parking.
         I.   The location and types of all exterior light fixtures.
         J.   A complete landscaping and screening plan.
         K.   Plans showing complete drainage of entire site.
      (4)   In addition to the above information, the following will be required:
         A.   A copy of convenants, grants, or easements or other restrictions proposed to be imposed upon the use of land, buildings, and structures including proposed easements for grants for public utilities.
         B.   A schedule showing the proposed times for constructing the development.
         C.   A statement indicating the intent to development the site as proposed in the plans submitted.
   (j)   Annual Review. After a period of one year from the date of rezoning, the Zoning Administrator shall review the status of the approved C-lN development. If significant progress is not demonstrated at that time, the Zoning Administrator shall advise the City Council of his findings. If City Council determines that insufficient progress has occurred and it would be in the best interest of the area to revoke the permit, City Council shall schedule a public hearing within thirty days. The property owner(s) shall be notified in writing at least 20 days prior to the hearing. If within 15 days the owner and/or developer is able to present proof of progress, the City Council may withdraw the application.
(Ord. 0-35-96. Passed 8-5-96.)