(a) Purpose.
(1) The mobile home park district is established to allow mobile home parks provided certain location criteria are met, and the request is approved by City Council. Approval of this district shall be in accordance with Chapter 1137.
(2) Mobile homes shall be permitted only in this district. The following regulations shall apply to the mobile home park district.
(3) The requirements of this district are set forth to ensure that mobile home parks and subdivisions may coexist with existing and future residential development. The following criteria should be used in zoning property R-MHP.
A. Proposed site ensures adequate access to public street systems and does not cause undue congestion or place excessive traffic on local streets.
B. The proposed development should be located where public facilities and services are either existing or planned.
C. Approval of the application should not result in an over concentration of housing types that would alter the basic character of the area.
D. The proposed development should be compatible with adjoining and nearby properties.
(b) Uses Permitted.
(1) Mobile homes.
(2) Caretakers or managers - home or office.
(3) Service buildings to house services for occupants of the mobile home park including storage, vending machines, washing and drying machines for domestic laundry, recreation facilities, and similar uses.
(4) Mobile home sales office.
(5) Storage buildings.
(c) Site Plan Approval. Prior to construction or enlargement of a mobile home park existing at the time of adoption of this Zoning Ordinance shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall review the proposed development for conformance with all applicable regulations. Once the development has been determined to be in conformance, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall review the plat for the purpose of determining if it satisfies the requirements set forth in this section, in addition to determining the following.
(1) That the spirit of the zoning regulation shall not be violated;
(2) That the proposed development does not conflict with proposed or existing development in adjacent areas;
(3) That the proposed development will be a desirable addition to the physical pattern of the City.
(d) Site Plan Retirements. The plan shall be drawn by a registered engineer/surveyor licensed by the State of Ohio. The plan shall be drawn to a scale of lot less than 100 feet to 1 inch and shall contain the following information:
(1) The location of the proposed park and the type of surround land uses.
(2) The location and dimensions of streets, rights-of-way, drives and parking spaces.
(3) The location and size of mobile home sites.
(4) The location and size of service buildings and areas and reaction areas.
(5) The location and type of screening, fences, or hedges.
(6) The names and addresses of abutting property owners and of developers. Any mobile home, service building, or recreation area located in any mobile home park shall be placed in accordance with an approved development plan.
(7) Existing and finished contours at intervals of not more than 2.
(8) The location of fire hydrants, if applicable.
(9) Storage areas.
(10) Dumpsters, if applicable.
(e) Design Standards.
(1) Park size. The minimum area for a mobile home park shall be 3 acres.
(2) Plot size. Each mobile home shall be on a plot of not less than 5,000 square feet in area, have an average width of not less than 50 feet, and an average length of not less than 100 feet. the maximum number of mobile homes shall not exceed 5 dwelling units per acre.
(3) Setbacks.
A. No mobile home shall be located closer than 50 feet to the right of-way line of a public street or highway, and not closer than 15 feet from side and rear property lines.
B. Each mobile home shall be set back at least 15 feet from the front, side and rear lines of the plot on which it is located.
(4) Off-street parking. Off-street vehicular parking shall be as follows: 2 spaces for each mobile home. One space for each employee shall be provided at each service or recreation area.
(5) Access. No mobile home shall have direct access to a public street or highway. All mobile home plots shall have access to an all-weather interior roadway which is not less than 30 feet in width and has a paved surface of not less than 20 feet in width. Roads with parallel parking on one side shall have a paved surface of 28 feet with a 5 foot right-of-way on each side.
(7) Utility requirements. Within the area zoned, each mobile home space in a mobile home park shall be provided with approved water and sewer service which is connected to the municipal water and sewerage system. All utilities including cable, telephone and electric shall be underground.
(8) Recreation areas. Recreation space of not less than 200 square feet of usable land for each mobile home plot shall be provided in the mobile home park. For purposes of this section, "usable open space" shall be construed to mean parks, open space, and recreation amenities, such as a clubhouse, swimming pool, or similar improvements. When the anticipated population shall include children, a play area shall be provided of not less than 400 square feet per plot.
(9) Patio or deck. For each mobile home there shall be constructed a permanent patio located adjacent to or attached to the mobile home pad. The patio shall be at least 162 square feet in area of concrete or masonry construction. Each patio shall be sufficient gradient to direct drainage away from the mobile home pad. The patio shall not be within 5 feet of the property line. In lieu of the patio, a treated wood deck of the same dimensions may be used.
(10) Operating requirements. The operator of each mobile home park shall comply with all State and County Health Department rules and regulations governing the sanitation and operation of mobile home parks.
(11) Garbage disposal. Garbage containers with tight-fitting covers shall be required for each plot to permit the disposal of all garbage and rubbish. Collection will be on a regular basis to ensure that containers shall not overflow. In lieu of individual containers, a 20 cubic yard dumpster for every 20 mobile homes may be provided. Garbage and rubbish shall not be disposed of within the park.
(12) Anchors. Each mobile home shall be anchored according to the HUD regulation of the National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act as required of each manufacturer’s specifications.
(13) Dead-end roads. Closed ends of Dead-End roads shall be provided with a cul-de-sac paved to a minimum of a 35 foot radius.
(14) Occupancy. There shall be no fewer than 10 mobile home plots available at first occupancy.
(15) Foundation wall. Foundation enclosures shall be required around the perimeter of each mobile home from the base of the home to the ground. The development owner shall advise each homeowner of this requirement to ensure the safety of residents from animals and other infestations. Residents shall comply within a 6 month period, and it shall be the responsibility of the landowner to advise each homeowner of the required time period to complete the enclosure.
(16) Street lighting. All streets within the park shall be lighted at night. The lighting system shall be underground.
(17) Storage area. On each mobile home plot, a space shall be designated for a storage building if provided.
(18) Drainage plan. A drainage plan and a sedimentation and erosion control plan shall be submitted and approved prior to final approval being granted by the Zoning Administrator.
(19) Street names. Permanent street names approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be assigned to each road within the development.
(f) Pre-Existing Mobile Home Parks. Mobile home parks or individual subdivisions which were lawfully in existence and operating on the effective date of this Zoning Ordinance, under valid permits issued by the City of Cortland, but which do not conform to requirements set forth in this section, shall be considered a nonconforming use. However, nonconforming parks may be expanded only if the mobile home park owner has received approval for such expansion before the effective date of this Zoning Ordinance.
(Ord. 0-35-96. Passed 8-5-96.)