(a)    Plans. All water mains which are to become a part of the Municipal water distribution system shall be constructed in accordance with a plan prepared by a Professional Engineer registered to practice engineering in the State.
      (1)    The plan shall show the location and size of the proposed mains, hydrants, valves and method of connection to the existing main. The plan shall also show any other physical features which would affect construction of the water main.
      (2)    The minimum size of any water main shall be six inches in diameter. A larger size main will be required if in the opinion of the Service Director a larger main is necessary to properly supply to the area being developed.
      (3)    Plans for water mains shall be approved by the Service Director and by the Municipal Engineer before any construction begins.
   (b)    Specifications. 
      (1)    Materials. Pipe for water mains shall be either Cement Asbestos pipe meeting the latest Federal Specifications SS-P-351 and which has been approved by the American Water Works Association and the Underwriters Laboratory or Mechanical Joint Cast Iron Pipe meeting the latest A.S.A. specification No. 21.11.
      (2)    Cast iron fittings. Cast iron fittings for cement asbestos pipe shall be "Ring-Tite" fittings conforming to A.S.A. Specifications A21.10. Fittings for cast iron pipe shall conform to the latest A.S.A. Specification A 21.12 with joints meeting the requirements of A.S.A. Specification A 21.11.
      (3)    Fire hydrants. Fire hydrants shall be of the same manufacture, size and type as are presently in use in the Municipality.
      (4)    Gate valves. Gate valves shall be equal to A.W.W.A. Standard Iron Body, Double Disc Gate Valves with mechanical joint or Ring-Tite connections. A valve box with a screw type adjustable extension shall be furnished for each valve and brought to grade.
      (5)    General construction. All water mains and appurtenances shall be installed in accordance with the approved plan. All hydrants, tees and bends shall be blocked in a manner satisfactory to the Inspector for the Municipality.
      (6)    Backfilling. Backfilling of the trench shall be performed around the pipe and to a level one foot above the pipe, by hand, using selected material free from rock, stones and other deleterious materials. The remainder of the trench shall be carefully backfilled to the original ground elevation and the area restored to its original ground elevation and its original condition.
   Where the water main is constructed under an existing pavement or under a future pavement the trench shall be backfilled, to the full depth, with gravel one foot above pipe and the rest of way with granular material. This backfill material shall be tampered, in layers, by use of mechanical tampers. When rock is encountered in the trench the rock shall be removed to a point four inches below the pipe. Sand or Pea Gravel shall be used to bring the trench to grade.
   (c)    Inspections. Inspection of water main construction shall be by the Service Director or someone designated by the Director. The developer, contractor or other parties constructing a water main will be required to pay for such inspection at the rate of pay received by the Inspector for his work.
   (d)    Testing and Sterilization. 
      (1)    Pressure tests shall be made on all water mains unless otherwise directed by the Service Director.
      (2)    Testing will be by hydrostatic pressure applied by means of a pump taking water from an auxilliary supply. The test pressure shall be 100 pounds per square inch or fifty percent (50%) above the normal operating pressure of the section under test, whichever is greater.
      (3)    The test pressure shall be maintained for two hours or such sufficient time to allow a thorough inspection of piping, fittings, valves, hydrants, etc. Leaking joints shall be tightened and defective pipe or fittings shall be removed and replaced. The test shall be repeated until satisfactory results are obtained.
      (4)    Before new mains are placed in service they shall be cleansed and sterilized and water passing through shall be proven safe by bacteriological test and acceptable to the Service Director.
   (e)    Maintenance Bond. Before acceptance of a new water main the developer, contractor or other parties constructing the main shall furnish a maintenance surety bond in an amount equal to twenty percent (20%) of the estimated cost of the improvement. This bond shall run for a period of two years and shall be subject to approval by the Law Director. The minimum bond required shall not be less than two thousand dollars ($2,000).
(Ord. 1976-6. Passed 5-18-76.)