(A) In computing the credit for 35 feet of main or main extension, the city shall use the latest costs available from its own records or those of the water supply company, where applicable, for main construction of a similar size and nature installed by city or water supply company personnel. Allowances shall be made for unusual circumstances such as stream crossings or boring. The computation shall include all direct material and labor costs together with 15% of such costs for wage fringes, handling, waste and other overhead.
(B) The above computation shall be used to establish the value of credits for all mains or main extensions installed by other than city forces. Said value shall not be changed after start of construction.
(C) The credit to be used for mains installed by city forces shall be the actual costs of construction determined as in division (A) above, including the 15% overhead.
(Ord. 1179, passed 2-5-1973
; Ord. 1626, passed 12-19-2022)
(A) No person will be allowed to furnish water to others except in temporary emergency. In case of violation, water may be shut off, after due notice, and the person supplying said water charged with an estimated bill for water so supplied.
(B) Should any person or persons move into any premises supplied with water from the city mains, without making a written application in the manner provided therefor, and uses water, then such person or persons shall become responsible for all water used from the date of the last reading previous to their occupying such premises. Failure to pay the same shall be cause for disconnecting such service until the amount due is paid.
(C) Where any customer is liable to the city for water furnished at one place, and is thereafter located using water at some other place, the water shall be turned off at the new location until all valid accounts past due are paid.
(D) Where two or more occupants use the same house or apartment, and the water account is in the name of one, and the one in whose name the account stands moves away, the remaining occupant is also responsible for any unpaid water bills.
(E) All meters, curb cocks, valves and meter boxes connected with the city mains and service pipes, including those furnished at the expense of the consumers or property owners, shall remain under the direct control of the city, and no person or persons other than those authorized by the city shall connect or disconnect, remove seals from, move or otherwise tamper with any such meter or turn on or off the water at the curb cock, valve or meter, or to open, move or tamper with any meter box, or open any meter box in any way.
(F) No person shall take or use water from the city water system except under the terms and conditions specified in these regulations.
(G) The city may inquire into and investigate into the cause of any unusual flow or unnecessary waste of water upon or within any premises served. If such flow or waste results from want of repair of any pipe or other fixture, it shall require the owner of such premises to make such necessary repairs within ten days. Upon failure of such owner to make such repairs within the time, it shall have authority to shut off the supply of water leading to such premises. Such water shall not again be turned on until the consumer shall have made the required repairs and paid the fee of $50 which is herein established for such service.
(H) All contractors, persons or corporations who open, grade, regrade, fill, excavate or work any street or alley shall give ten days’ written notice to the city for the removal, raising or lowering of any water mains, pipes, fittings, meters or other city material that may interfere with such work. Upon failure to furnish such notice, any damage resulting from such failure will be charged against such contractor, person or corporation responsible.
(I) Whenever water shall be used on any metered premises for fire protection or firefighting, in an actual case of fire or conflagration, no charge shall be made for the water so used and the amount of water so used shall be ascertained by comparison with the average use of water during a corresponding billing period, as shown by the meter.
(J) City Water Department employees shall have the right at any and all reasonable hours to enter upon or into any premises to which water is supplied by the city, for the purpose of inspecting any pipe, fixture, setting, reading or repairing any meter, turning water off or on and enforcing the provisions of these regulations generally. No person shall deny entrance to any such premises to any officer or employee hereby granted such right of entry.
(K) Whoever intentionally, by any means or device, prevents water from passing through any meter belonging to the city, or used in connection with the supply of water to any customer by the city, to register the amount of water passing through such meter, or intentionally prevents a meter from duly registering the quantity of water supplied, or in any way interferes with its proper action or just registration, or without the consent in writing of the city intentionally diverts any water from any pipe or pipes of the city or otherwise intentionally uses, or causes to be used, without the consent of the city, any water produced or distributed by the city, or any person who retains possession of or refuses to deliver any meter or other appliance loaned to him or her by the city for the purpose of furnishing water through the city shall for every offense suffer a penalty as hereinafter provided. The presence at any time on or about any such meter or pipe of any device or pipes resulting in the diversion of water or prevention of its free passage and registration by the meter or diverting from the meter as above defined or resulting in the prevention of water from reaching the meter, or preventing the just registration of the meter or meters or the taking of any water except through a meter as above set forth shall constitute prima facie evidence of knowledge on the part of the person owning or having custody and control of the room, building, place or premises where such device or pipe is of the existence thereof and knowledge of such existence to the person who would be benefitted by the failure of the water to be properly metered, and shall further constitute prima facie evidence of intention on the part of such person or persons to defraud, and shall bring such person prima facie within the scope, meaning and penalties of these regulations.
An person violating any of the provisions of this chapter may, on conviction in a summary proceeding, be subjected to a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $1,000 for each offense, together with costs of prosecution, and in default of payment thereof undergo imprisonment in the county jail for a term not in excess of 30 days.
(Ord. 1179, passed 2-5-1973
; Ord. 1626, passed 12-19-2022)