(A) A preliminary plan is required for major subdivisions. Submitted copies of the preliminary plan drawing shall be either black on white or blue on white prints. Sheet size shall be 18 x 24 inches or 24 x 36 inches in size. Three copies shall be submitted.
(B) The preliminary plan shall be drawn at a scale of no less than 100 feet to the inch. Other acceptable scales shall include 20, 30, 40 and 50 feet to the inch.
(C) The following information shall be shown on, or included with, all preliminary plans when they are submitted to the Commission:
(1) Proposed subdivision name or identifying title and notation that the subdivision is located in the city;
(2) Name and address of the owner of the tract or of his or her agent, if any, and of the developer;
(3) Date, north arrow and graphic scale;
(4) Total acreage of the tract, number of lots, proposed land use, remaining acreage of any unsubdivided land;
(5) Zoning information - district and lot size;
(6) Tract boundaries which, if possible, should show distances and bearings;
(7) A key map, for the purpose of locating the site to be subdivided at a minimum scale of 2,000 feet to the inch, showing the relation of the tract to adjoining property and streets, roads, bodies of water, and municipal boundaries;
(8) Contours at vertical intervals of two feet for land with average natural slope of 4% or less, and at vertical intervals of five feet for more steeply sloping land. Locations of bench marks, and datum used, shall also be shown;
(9) The names of all owners of all immediately adjacent unplatted land; the names of all proposed subdivisions or platted subdivisions immediately adjacent to the development, and the locations and dimensions of any streets or easements terminating adjacent to the development;
(10) The locations and dimensions of all existing streets, roads, railroads public sewers, aqueducts, water mains, and feeder lines, fire hydrants, gas electric, communication and oil transmission lines, streams, intermittent drainageways, swales, and other significant features within the property proposed to be subdivided, or within 100 feet of said property;
(11) The location of all buildings and approximate location of all tree masses within the property;
(12) A description of the existing vegetative cover;
(13) A full plan of the development, showing the location of all proposed streets, roads, alleys, utility easements, parks, playgrounds, pedestrian ways, and other public areas, sewer and water facilities, proposed building setback lines for each street; proposed lot lines and approximate dimensions of lots; lot numbers and/or block numbers in consecutive order; and all streets and other areas designed for appurtenant facilities, public use, or future public use, together with the conditions of such dedications or reservations;
(14) County Health Department subdivision on-lot sewage disposal report, if on-lot sewage disposal system is used; and
(15) Typical cross-sections for each proposed street shall be shown on the preliminary plan.
(D) The following certificates, where applicable, shall appear on the preliminary plan:
(1) Certificate for approval or review by the Department;
(2) Certificate for approval by the city and by its Planning Commission; and
(3) Any changes that may be proposed in the provisions of the zoning applicable to the area to be subdivided.
(E) Where the preliminary plan submitted covers only a part of the subdivider’s entire holding, a sketch plan of the prospective future street system of the unsubmitted part shall be furnished; the street system of the submitted part will be considered in the light of adjustments and connections with future streets in the part not submitted.
(Ord. 1286, passed 6-7-1982)