A.   In recommending approval of a site plan, the Planning Director shall state those conditions of approval necessary to protect the public health, safety and general welfare. Such conditions may include, but are not limited to, consideration and/or requirement of the following:
      1.   Special yards, spaces and buffers.
      2.   Fences and walls.
      3.   Surfacing of parking areas and provisions for surface water drainage subject to City specifications.
      4.   Requiring street dedications and improvements, subject to the provisions of Section 11-20-7 of this Chapter, including service roads or alleys when practical, and the requiring of drainage, sewer and water connection fees when applicable.
      5.   Regulation of points of vehicular ingress and egress.
      6.   Regulation of signs, in accordance with the standards prescribed under Chapter 16 of this Title.
      7.   Requiring maintenance of the grounds and the undergrounding of utilities.
      8.   Requiring the design and installation of landscaping and refuse enclosures and maintenance thereof.
      9.   Regulation of noise, vibration, odors and other similar characteristics.
      10.   Measures necessary to eliminate or to effect mitigation to acceptable levels of adverse environmental impacts.
      11.   Regulation of time for certain activities to be conducted on the site.
      12.   Regulation of the time period within which the proposed use shall be developed.
      13.   A bond, deposit of money, recorded lien secured by deed of trust, or letter of credit for the completion of street and site improvements and other facilities or for the removal of such use within a specified period of time, to assure conformance with the intent and purposes set forth in this Title.
      14.   Such other requirements to protect the public health, safety and welfare which reasonably may be required by the Planning Director.
   B.   In taking action on a proposed site plan, the Planning Director shall make all of the following findings:
      1.   All applicable provisions of this Title are complied with.
      2.   The following are so arranged that traffic congestion is avoided and that pedestrian and vehicular safety and welfare are protected and there will not be adverse effect on surrounding property:
         a.   Facilities and improvements;
         b.   Vehicular ingress, egress, internal circulation and off- street parking and loading;
         c.   Setbacks;
         d.   Height of buildings;
         e.   Location of service;
         f.   Walls and fences;
         g.   Landscaping, including screen planting and street trees;
         h.   Drainage of site;
         i.   Refuse enclosures;
         j.   Proposed lighting is so arranged as to deflect the light away from adjoining properties;
         k.   Proposed signs will comply with all of the applicable provisions of Chapter 16 of this Title;
         l.   That adequate provision is made to reduce adverse or potentially adverse environmental impacts to acceptable levels.
   C.   In making the above findings, the Planning Director shall determine that approvals will be consistent with established legislative policies relating to traffic safety, street dedications and street improvements, environmental quality, and to zoning, fire, police, building and health codes. (Ord. 527, 8-4-1997)