A.   Because of changes that may occur due to drainage conditions, utility service requirements, or vehicular traffic generated by facilities requiring a site plan review, the following dedications and improvements may be deemed necessary and may be required as a condition or conditions to the approval of any site plan:
      1.   Development bordering or traversed by an existing street: if the development borders or is traversed by an existing street, the applicant may be required to:
         a.   Dedicate all necessary rights of way to widen a bordering minor or collector street to the extent on one-half (1/2) the ultimate width established by the City as the standard for such minor or collector street, or the full extent required for a frontage road.
         b.   Dedicate all necessary rights of way to widen a traversing minor or collector street to its ultimate width established by the City as the standard for such minor or collector street.
         c.   Dedicate all necessary rights of way to widen a bordering or traversing major arterial street to the standards of width established by the City for an arterial street under subsection A1a and A1b of this Section.
         d.   Set back all facilities the required distance from ultimate property lines along a major arterial street as shown on any master, official or precise plan of streets and highways, or by the General Plan.
         e.   Install curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street signs, street lights and street trees along one side of a bordering or along both sides of a traversing minor, collector or major street.
         f.   Install utilities and drainage facilities to the full extent of the service requirements generated by the development.
         g.   Grade and improve traversing minor or collector streets from curb to center line of the ultimate right of way.
         h.   Grade and improve traversing minor or collector streets from curb to curb.
         i.   Grade and improve the parking lane and one traffic lane adjacent to the development, along a bordering major arterial street.
         j.   Grade and improve both parking lanes and the two (2) outside traffic lanes of a traversing major arterial street.
         k.   Except as provided in subsection A1b and A1c of this Section, all new roads shall be dedicated and improved in accordance with the requirements of subsection A1a hereof.
      2.   Where a frontage road is provided and improved along a major arterial street in accordance with City standards, the curb, gutter, sidewalk, street sign, street light, grading and paving requirements of subsection A1e and A1j of this Section, pertaining to the arterial street shall not be required.
      3.   Where total access to or from a bordering or traversing major arterial street is prohibited as a condition of approval or by law, the curb, gutter, sidewalks, street sign, street light, grading and paving requirements of subsection A1e and A1j of this Section, pertaining to arterial streets shall not be required.
   B.   All improvements shall be to City standards existing at the time the site plan is approved and shall be installed at the time of the proposed development. Where it is determined by the City that it is impractical to put in any or all improvements at the time of the proposed development, an agreement to make such improvements may be accepted in lieu thereof. In any event, the applicant shall enter into an agreement with the City for the provision of improvements before a building permit may be issued, at which time there shall be money deposited with or in favor of the City, or a letter of credit or performance bond posted with the City, in an amount equal to one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the estimated cost of improvements, as estimated by the City Engineer, to guarantee the making of such improvements.
   C.   Street dedications and improvements which may be required by this Section shall be considered only on the principle that they are required as near as practical in proportion to the traffic, utility and other demands generated by the proposed development. (Ord. 527, 8-4-1997)