The R-3 Mixed Housing Residential District is a medium density area intended to provide for single-family attached, single-family cluster detached, and two-, three- and four-family dwellings in a neighborhood. The purpose of the district is to provide for economical, innovatively designed housing opportunities.
1.   Location Criteria. The R-3 Mixed Housing Residential District is appropriately located along primary and secondary arterial intersections and as a buffer area between multi-family residential and/or nonresidential areas with low density residential areas. Typically these district placements are limited to areas where owners of large tracts of land have submitted general development plans showing how various uses will be mixed on the tract and in conformity to the City’s Land Use Plan.
2.   Permitted Uses. The following uses are allowed in the R-3 Mixed Housing Residential District.
   A.   Two-, three- and four-family dwellings.
   B.   Public parks, open spaces, and recreational facilities.
3.   Provisional Uses. The following uses may be allowed in the R-3 Mixed Housing Residential District upon approval of a provisional use permit by the City Zoning Administrator as required by Section 165.49.
   A.   One-family attached dwellings provided a site plan is submitted in compliance with Section 165.52 and provisions, covenants and other necessary actions have been completed to insure the peculiar needs of attached housing; and provided no more than four dwellings are attached.
   B.   Child care homes and child development homes.
   C.   Aeration windmills constructed in accordance with Section 165.42(9).
(Ord. 2014-1020 – Dec. 14 Supp.)
4.   Conditional Uses. The following uses may be allowed in the R-3 Mixed Housing Residential District upon approval of a conditional use permit by the Board of Adjustment as required by Section 165.50.
   A.   One-family cluster dwellings provided a site plan is submitted in compliance with Section 165.52 and provisions, covenants and other necessary actions have been completed to insure the peculiar needs of cluster housing.
   B.   Group care facilities, family care facilities or other such facility provided a site plan is submitted in compliance with Section 165.52.
   C.   Child care facilities provided a site plan is submitted as required by Section 165.52.
5.   Special Exception Uses. The following uses may be permitted in the R-3 Mixed Housing Residential District upon approval of a special exception permit by the Board of Adjustment as required by Section 165.51.
   A.   Public utility facilities and railroad facilities.
6.   Size Regulations. The following minimum and maximum size regulations shall apply in the R-3 Mixed Housing Residential District:
   A.   Minimum Lot Size:
      Two-Family      6,000 square feet
      Three-Family      8,000 square feet
      Four-Family       10,000 square feet
      One-Family Attached    3,000 square feet
      One-Family Cluster   6,000 square feet
   B.   Building Setbacks: 16   
      Front Yard   35 feet
      Rear Yard    25 feet
      Side Yard   6 feet, except along attached side of single-family attached, where it is 0 feet.
   C.   Minimum Lot Dimensions:
      Lot Frontage:
         Two-Family      60 feet
         Three-Family      80 feet
         Four-Family       90 feet
         One-Family Attached    30 feet
         One-Family Cluster    0 feet
      Lot Width:
         Two-Family       60 feet
         Three-Family      80 feet
         Four-Family       90 feet
         One-Family Attached    30 feet
         One-Family Cluster   50 feet
      Lot Depth - 100 feet
         Width to Depth    1:4 minimum ratio
   D.   Maximum Building Dimensions:
      Height       40 feet
      Coverage    50%
   E.   Minimum Building Dimensions:
      Width      20 feet for 75% of its length
7.   General Provisions. The following provisions shall apply for all uses in the R-3 Mixed Housing Residential District:
   A.   Parking and loading requirements - See Section 165.35.
   B.   Accessory use and building regulations – See Section 165.12.
   C.   Sign Regulations - See Section 165.36.
8.   Special Provisions. The following special provisions shall apply for all uses in the R-3 Mixed Housing Residential District:
   A.   In newly developing areas property owners shall submit along with all zoning permit requests a general development plan for all contiguous properties owned by the same property owner(s). This plan shall provide evidence of intended compliance with the City’s Land Use Plan.



All corner lots must meet front yard requirements on all yards abutting a street.