8-308. Time period for opening store.
   The certificate of compliance issued herein shall be valid for a period of six (6) months from the date of issuance and thereafter shall become void and of no effect whatsoever. If requested in writing by the applicant and approved by the city manager, up to two (2) three (3) month extensions may be granted by the city manager when necessary to avoid undue hardship on the applicant. In any event, the written request must be both received and approved prior to the expiration of the initial six (6) month period or prior to the expiration of the first three (3) month extension. In the event the store is not open within the period prescribed by this provision, then the certificate of compliance will be automatically void and of no further effect, the application will be deemed void and of no further effect.
   Should the applicant then desire another certificate of compliance, the applicant will be required to reapply as if it were a new application and meet all requirements as any new applicant
(as added by Ord. #011-01-01, Feb. 2011)