8-301. Definitions.
   (1)   Definition of "alcoholic beverages." As used in this chapter, unless the context indicates otherwise: "alcoholic beverages" means and includes alcohol, spirits, liquor, wine, and every liquid containing alcohol, spirits, wine and capable of being consumed by a human being, other than patented medicine or beer, where the latter contains an alcoholic content of five percent (5%) by weight, or less.
   (2)   Definition of "certificate of compliance." As used in this chapter, "certificate of compliance" means a certificate signed by the mayor certifying:
      (a)   That the applicant or applicants who are to be in actual charge of the business have not been convicted of a felony within a ten (10) year period immediately preceding the date of application and, if a corporation, that the executive officers or those in control have not been convicted of a felony within a ten (10) year period immediately preceding the date of the application; and further, that in the official's opinion the applicant will not violate any of the provisions of Tennessee Code Annotated, title 57, chapter 3, and as subsequently amended;
      (b)   That the applicant or applicants have secured a location for the business which complies with all restrictions of any local law, ordinance, or resolution, duly adopted by the local jurisdiction, as to the location of the business;
      (c)   That the applicant has complied with the residency provisions; and
      (d)   That the applicant or applicants have complied with any local law, ordinance or resolution duly adopted by the local authorities.
   (3)   Definition of "church." As used in this chapter, "church" means a building (sanctuary) where the congregation gathers for regularly scheduled worship services. "Church" shall not mean parishes, or any other facility or property that is not used as a sanctuary for regularly scheduled worship services.
   (4)   Definition of "school." As used in this chapter, "school" means any grammar school, middle school, or high school, which is owned and operated by the Putnam County Board of Education or a church. "School" shall not include private colleges or schools wherein only specialized subjects such as law, stenography, business, music, art, medicine, dentistry, vocational occupations or other special subjects are taught. "School" shall also not mean any private for profit schools.
   (5)   Definition of "university or technical school." As used in this chapter, university or technical school shall mean any university, or technical school owned and operated by the State of Tennessee
   (6)   Definition of "retail food store" means an establishment that is open to the public that derives at least twenty percent (20%) of its sales taxable sales from the retail sale of food and food ingredients for human consumption taxed at the rate provided in 67-6-228(a) and has retail floor space of at least one thousand two hundred square feet (1,200 sq. ft.).
   Or as amended by the State Legislature in Tennessee Code Annotated, § 57-3-802.
   (7)   Definition of "wine" means the product of the normal alcoholic fermentation of the juice of fresh, sound ripe grapes, with the usual cellar treatment and necessary additions to correct defects due to climatic, saccharine and seasonal conditions, including champagne, sparkling and fortified wine of an alcoholic content not to exceed eighteen percent (18%) of volume. No other product shall be called "wine" unless designated by appropriate prefixes descriptive of the fruit or other product from which the same was predominantly produced, or an artificial or imitation wine.
   "Wine" does not mean alcohol derived from wine that has had substantial changes to the wine due to the addition of flavorings and additives.
   Or as amended by the State Legislature in Tennessee Code Annotated, § 57-3-802.
   (8)   Definition of "high alcohol content beer" means an alcoholic beverage which is beer, ale or other malt beverage having an alcoholic content of more than eight percent (8%) by weight and not more than twenty percent (20%) by weight, except wine as defined in Tennessee Code Annotated, § 57-3-101, that is brewed, regulated, distributed or sold pursuant to chapter 3 of this title; provided, that no more than forty-nine percent (49%) of the overall alcoholic content of such beverage may be derived from the addition of flavors and other nonbeverage ingredients containing alcohol.
   Or as amended by the State Legislature in Tennessee Code Annotated, § 57-3-802.
   (9)   Definition of "distillery" means and includes any place or premises wherein any liquors are manufactured for sale.
   Or as amended by the State Legislature in Tennessee Code Annotated, § 57-3-101.
   (10)   Definition of "distiller" means any person who owns, occupies, carries on, works, conducts or operates any distillery either personally or by an agent.
   Or as amended by the State Legislature in Tennessee Code Annotated, § 57-3-101.
   (11)   Definition of "manufacture" means and includes brewing high alcohol content beer, distilling, rectifying and operating a winery.
   Or as amended by the State Legislature in Tennessee Code Annotated, § 57-3-101.
   (12)   Definition of "manufacturer" means and includes a brewer of high alcohol content beer, distiller, vintner and rectifier.
   Or as amended by the State Legislature in Tennessee Code Annotated, § 57-3-101.
   (13)   Definition of "rectifier" means and includes any person who rectifies, purifies or refines distilled spirits or wines by any process other than as provided for on distillery premises, and every person who, without rectifying, purifying or refining distilled spirits, shall, by mixing such spirits, wine or other liquor with any material, manufacture any imitation of, or compounds liquors for sale under the name of, whiskey, brandy, gin, rum, wine, spirits, cordials, bitters or any other name.
   Or as amended by the State Legislature in Tennessee Code Annotated, § 57-3-101.
   (14)   Definition of "vintner" means any person who owns, occupies, carries on, works, conducts or operates any winery, either personally or by an agent.
   Or as amended by the State Legislature in Tennessee Code Annotated, § 57-3-101.
   (15)   Definition of "winery" means and includes any place or premises wherein wines are manufactured from any fruit or brandies distilled as the by-product of wine or other fruit or cordials compounded, and also includes a winery for the manufacture of wine.
   Or as amended by the State Legislature in Tennessee Code Annotated, § 57-3-101.
   (16)   Definition of "micro-distillery/winery" means a facility for the production and packaging of wines and liquors for distribution, retail or wholesale, on or off premises.
   Or as amended by the State Legislature in Tennessee Code Annotated, § 57-3-101.
(as added by Ord. #011-01-01, Feb. 2011, as amended by Ord. #015-08-20, Aug. 2015, and Ord. #O18-05-11, May 2018)