   53.01   Tap and connection fee
   53.02   User fees
   53.98   Late payment of water and sewer bills; civil remedies only
   Sewer fees are adopted each year by the Board of Commissioners as a part of its annual budget process. The town's current fee list for sewer services is hereby incorporated by reference.
(Ord. passed 8-15-1984; Ord. passed 7-12-2004; Ord. passed - - )
§ 53.02  USER FEES.
   (A)   The Town Board of Commissioners shall review, at least annually, the town’s sanitary sewer user charge system, and shall revise the charges periodically, as needed, to reflect the actual costs and expenses of the system including actual treatment work, operation, maintenance and replacement costs. The town’s current list of water and sewer rates is hereby incorporated by reference.
   (B)   The town’s user charge system shall be designed to produce revenue adequate to cover the system costs including operation, maintenance and replacement.
      (1)   The system shall provide that each user which discharges pollutants to the system, causing an increase in the cost of managing the effluent or sludge from the treatment works shall pay for the increased costs.
      (2)   Where extra strength wastes are treated by the town, the user contributing the wastes shall be charged as follows:
         (a)   BOD (in excess of 300 ppm) at $35/1,000 pounds BOD; and
         (b)   SS (in excess of 300 ppm) at $35/1,000 pounds SS.
   (C)   The town shall notify each user, at least annually in conjunction with a regular bill, of the current rate and of that portion of the user charges which are attributable to wastewater treatment services.
   (D)   The town’s user charge system shall have precedence over any previous terms, conditions or contracts which are inconsistent with the requirements of § 204(1)(A) of the Clean Water Act, being 33 U.S.C. § 1284 (Pub. L. 92-500), and Federal Register 40 C.F.R. § 25.2140(g).
   (E)   The town does adopt a user charge system which will establish its rate by charging a fixed fee plus a “variable cost” rate.
      (1)   The “fixed fee” portion shall be arrived at by determining the non-variable system costs and proportioning them equally to all users.
      (2)   These costs shall include such items as bond expenses, some wages and office expenses.
      (3)   The “variable cost” rate shall include all variable (flow-related) costs and shall charge the user based upon the amount of flow he or she generates.
   (F)   Based upon a fixed fee plus a variable cost rate formula established by engineers for the town and approved by state/EPA officials, the current monthly sanitary sewer user charge shall be at the following rate:
In-Town Sewer Rate Schedule
Minimum charge
Per 1,000 gallons water
Out-of-Town Sewer Rate Schedule
Minimum charge
Per 1,000 gallons water
Definition of minimum charge
0 to 2,000 gallons
Mobile home parks will be billed as follows: total consumption divided by the number of units equals gallons used per unit. Use sewer rate chart to charge per unit. See example below.
Example: 50,000 gallons total consumption divided by 10 units equal 5,000 gallons; 5,000 gallons of sewer is $20; 10 units times $20 equals $200
(Ord. passed 8-15-1984; Ord. passed 11-17-2005; Ord. passed - - )
   Notwithstanding any provision or application contained in this chapter, or contained elsewhere in this code, failure to make timely payment of water and sewer user bills is not a criminal offense and shall not be enforced under the criminal laws of the State of North Carolina. The collection remedies, including late fees, disconnection, and reconnection charges, are enforceable by civil process only.
(Ord. passed - -)