The following acts, among others, are declared to be loud, disturbing and unnecessary noises and unlawful, but this enumeration shall not be deemed to be exclusive:
   (A)   The use of any horn or warning device on any vehicle for any other purpose than as a warning of the approach of the same while in traffic, or as a danger signal to other traffic, vehicular or pedestrian;
   (B)   No device for the amplification of sound where the sound emitted is cast directly into the public streets, ways, or parks either for the purposes of advertising, personal fulfillment or attracting attention, shall be operated so loudly that the sound emitted can be heard to the annoyance or discomfort of persons in passing or stopped vehicles, neighboring premises, or such public streets, ways, or parks;
   (C)   The playing of any radio, television set, musical instrument, compact disc player, tape player, record player, amplifier and similar devices operated or permitted to be operated in such a manner as to be plainly audible across property boundaries or through partitions common to two or more persons within a building;
   (D)   Domestic power tools operated or permitted to be operated outdoors between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. on weekdays, and 9:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. on weekends and holidays, in such a manner that will disturb or annoy any reasonable person nearby;
   (E)   Operating or permitting the operation of any tools or equipment used in construction, drilling or demolishing between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. in such a manner that will disturb any reasonable person nearby;
   (F)   Participation in any party or gathering between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., giving rise to noise that is plainly audible across property boundaries or between partitions common to two or more persons within a building;
   (G)   It shall be a violation for any person to operate a motor vehicle which causes excessive noise as a result of a defective or modified exhaust system or as a result of an unnecessary or rapid acceleration, deceleration, engine revving, or tire squealing;
   (H)   It shall be a violation to make or cause to be made any earth-shaking vibrations perceptible without the aid of instruments beyond the property of the vibration source;
   (I)   The creation of any excessive noise on any street adjacent to any school, church, institution of learning, or court, while the same is in session, or adjacent to any hospital, which unreasonably interferes with the working of such institution, provided conspicuous signs are displayed in such streets indicating that the same is a school, hospital, court, or church area; and
   (J)   To own or to harbor any animal, and permit said animal to cause any disturbance so as to be detrimental to the peace, life, or health of any individual. More specifically, it shall be a violation to allow an animal to bark or make other loud noises which are plainly audible across property boundaries or between partitions common to two or more persons within a building between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
(Ord. 1200, passed 12-1-41; Am. Ord. 4343, passed 3-3-03) Penalty, see § 97.99