Leave without pay may be granted, upon the approval of the City Manager, if requested in writing by the employee. An employee on leave without pay shall not accrue sick leave or vacation benefits, and the employee will be required to pay group health premiums in total if he wishes such coverage continued. Failure of any employee to report promptly at the expiration of such leave of shall be considered as a resignation. Leave without pay may be granted subject to the regulations herein.
   (a)   Personal Leave. A leave without pay granted at the discretion of the City Manager for personal reasons not to exceed 30 days without loss of seniority, if the employee can be spared. This may be extended only with the written approval of the City Manager, and must be submitted in writing a minimum of two weeks prior to the requested date of the extension.
   (b)   Extended Illness or Accident Leave. A leave without pay granted to a permanent employee for a period not to exceed one year without loss of seniority when such employee is physically unable to report for work because of illness or accident. The employee must promptly notify his supervisor of the necessity therefor and the supervisor shall transmit the request to the City Manager for approval. He must also supply certification from a qualified physician attesting to the necessity of such absence.
   (c)   Maternity Leave. A maternity leave without pay may be granted to a permanent employee without loss of seniority upon approval of the City Manager and recommendation of the Department/Division Head involved. Extension of the leave may be granted for a period not to exceed one year, if the employee's physician states in writing that such an extension is needed for recuperative health reasons.
   (d)   Probationary Period. Leave without pay during the probationary period shall not be counted as part of that period.
   (e)   Training. 
      (1)    Temporary leaves of absence with or without pay for training purposes or for other objectives related to the employee's work and performance may be granted by the City Manager for such periods as he may consider justifiable, within the limitations of the budget.
      (2)    In regard to employment and on-going training, any employee who voluntarily terminates employment with the City within one year after completing any training sessions for which an expenditure of City funds in excess of five hundred dollars ($500.00) was involved in the form of fees or tuition, shall reimburse the City for that amount of the expenditure which exceeds five hundred dollars ($500.00). Failure to reimburse the City shall result in a notation of such on the employee's personnel record and may result in adverse recommendations to future prospective employers and would also be weighed as a factor should a request for reemployment be considered.
   (f)   Rate of Pay upon Return from Absence. Whenever an employee returns from a leave of absence, his rate of pay shall be at the same rate as when his leave became effective.
(Ord. 20-04. Passed 2-23-04.)