(a)   Types. There shall be three types of eligible lists maintained by the Civil Service Commission.
      (l)    Original appointment eligible lists;
      (2)    Reemployment eligible lists;
      (3)    Promotional eligible lists.
   Such lists shall be maintained for each classification, insofar as necessary or practicable.
   (b)   Requisitions. Whenever a vacancy in the classified service is to be filled, the City Manager shall make a requisition upon a form prescribed by the Civil Service Commission. Such requisition shall be sent to the Civil Service Commission who shall certify the names of eligible to the City Manager. A separate requisition shall be filed for each vacancy.
   (c)   Certifications. If a reemployment eligible list exists for the classification in which the vacancy exists, the name which has been longest on the list shall be certified and the eligible applicant appointed if he is willing. If there is no such reemployment eligible list, certification shall be made from the appropriate original appointment eligible list or promotional eligible list as applicable. In the case of original and promotional appointments the Civil Service Commission shall certify all the names of those having the ten highest scores on the appropriate appointment eligible list.
   (d)   Additional Certifications. When any certified eligible employee shall decline in writing to accept the appointment, the City Manager shall file such declination with the Civil Service Commission and shall receive one additional name from the list in substitution therefor.
   (e)   Reemployment Eligible Lists. Regular employees laid off due to lack of funds or work shall be placed on a reemployment eligible list.
   (f)   Duration of Eligible List. Original appointment eligible lists and promotional eligible lists shall be valid for one year from the date of their original creation. They may be extended for an additional period of not more than one year by order of the Civil Service Commission, reciting the reasons therefor. Reemployment eligible lists shall be valid until used or until all those whose names appear thereon have declined appointment.
(Ord. 20-04. Passed 2-23-04.)