(a)   Nature. All examinations shall be of such a type as will test fairly the relative capacity and fitness of the applicants to discharge efficiently the duties of classification for which the examination is given. Their content shall be determined by the Civil Service Commission and the Civil Service Commission shall be responsible for the evaluation of the results. The examinations may be written and/or oral, physical and/or performance, and/or polygraph, where deemed appropriate by either the Civil Service Commission or the City Manager, and may be assembled, unassembled or any combination of these. When several different tests are used in a single examination, the Civil Service Commission shall determine and announce to the candidates the weight to be assigned to each and the grade which must be attained to qualify for a place on the eligible list.
   (b)   Qualifications. Either the Civil Service Commission or the City Manager may require applicants to submit proof of their age, citizenship and military service at the time of the examination only in those instances where there is a valid reason to question any such claimed status.
   (c)   Notification of Results. Each person who takes an examination shall be given written notice as to whether he passed or failed such examination and of his relative standing on the eligible list, if he was successful. Each person shall be entitled to inspect his own papers, but not those of other candidates, during regular office hours under the supervision of either the Civil Service Commission or the City Manager.
   (d)   Medical Examinations. Before any person is appointed as a probationary or provisional employee, he shall be required to submit to a medical examination, including a drug screen evaluation, administered by a physician selected for that purpose by the City Manager. A certificate by such physician that the person so examined is in good health and is physically capable of performing the duties of the position shall be a prerequisite to appointment. Physical requirements shall be job related, and in no instance shall an applicant, otherwise qualified for the position, be denied full consideration unless he has a disability which will prevent him from substantially performing the specific job without serious hazard. The expense of this preemployment physical examination shall be paid for by the City. All employees other than regular, full-time employees may be required to submit a statement from a qualified physician that they are in good physical health to perform the necessary duties in their employment with the City. This provision applies particularly to seasonal, temporary and part-time employees.
   (e)   Reexamination. No person who has failed to pass an examination shall be reexamined for the same classification within one year from the date of such failure, unless the City Manager and/or the Civil Service Commission determines that such reexamination is in the best interest of the City's personnel recruitment program.
   (f)   Noncompetitive Examinations. As a general rule, all examinations shall be open and competitive. However, all nominees for provisional appointments shall submit applications therefor, await verification and evaluation of education and work experience, take post-offer physical examinations, and shall be approved by the City Manager as meeting the minimum qualifications established by the classification plan. This procedure shall be known as a noncompetitive examination.
   (g)   Promotional Examination/Selection Process. 
      (l)    Whenever it is the judgement of the City Manager that vacancies in classification above the entrance level should be filled by promotion, a promotional selection/examination process shall be initiated with the Civil Service Commission. This selection/examination process shall be closed and competitive unless the Civil Service Commission determines that the number of internal candidates qualified to participate in the process is insufficient to justify closed competition, in which case the promotional selection/examination process shall be open and competitive in character.
      (2)    Eligibility to participate in a promotional selection/examination process shall be determined according to normal lines of progression established in the classification plan and the City Manager and the Civil Service Commission shall determine the classifications which qualify for eligibility.
      (3)    The promotional selection/examination process shall consist of one or a combination of several components deemed by the Civil Service Commission and/or the City Manager to be valid, useful and nondiscriminatory (e.g. written examination, interviews, assessment centers, physical fitness examinations, medical examination, background or reference checks, psychological examination, or other valid selection/examination components). Candidates' past performance shall be given due consideration, if applicable or appropriate.
      (4)    Individuals shall not be eligible for participation in any promotional selection/examination process until they have successfully completed at least one year of service within the classification from which promotional appointment is sought, with the exception that within the Fire and Police classifications/ranks, individuals serving within the classification/rank of Police Sergeant shall serve at least two years in the classification/rank before he/she shall be eligible for participation in a promotional selection/examination process for the classification/rank of Police Lieutenant; employees serving in the classification/rank of Police Officer, shall serve at least two years in the classification/rank before he/she shall be eligible for participation in a promotional selection/examination for the classification/rank of Police Sergeant; individuals serving within the classification/rank of Firefighter shall serve at least two years in the lower rank before he/she shall be eligible for participation in a promotional selection/examination for the classification/rank of Fire Lieutenant. Also, individuals serving within the classification/rank of Fire Lieutenant shall serve at least two years in the lower rank before he/she shall be eligible for participation in a promotional selection/examination for the classification/rank of Assistant Fire Chief.
         (Ord. 20-04. Passed 2-23-04.)