No classification plan is static. It is not intended to fix positions permanently in the classes regardless of changes in organization and duties. Instead, the plan must be continually administered so as to adapt it to changing conditions. Such changes may be due to any number of conditions, including the assumption of new services, the extension of certain activities, changes in organization and the increase of assignment of irregular tasks to some employees. Therefore, positions shall be periodically reviewed with regard to allocations to classes. The City Manager is charged with the responsibility for the proper and continued maintenance of all parts of the classification plan so that it accurately reflects the duties being performed by each employee in the classified service and the classification to which each position is allocated. Revisions of job descriptions and reallocations of positions within the classification plan shall be made as follows:
   (a)   The City Manager or his designee shall study the duties and responsibilities and other classification factors of each newly created position and, on the basis of such study, place the position in the appropriate classification.
   (b)   Department/Division Heads shall report changes in the duties and responsibilities of a position to the City Manager. They shall then recommend and request any appropriate changes in job descriptions. It is the responsibility of Department/Division Heads to implement existing job descriptions and those changes in job descriptions approved by the City Manager. If changes become permanent and are of such a nature to require it, the position may be reallocated to the appropriate classification.
   (c)   The City Manager may review the duties of any position, and, if warranted, may establish, combine or abolish classifications as necessary, in his discretion.
      (Ord. 20-04. Passed 2-23-04.)