Article IV
   There shall be a City Manager who shall be the chief executive officer and administrative head of the City and shall be appointed by a majority vote of the Council for an indefinite term.
   The City Manager shall be selected on the basis of executive and administrative qualifications requiring a bachelor’s degree in public administration or business administration with a minimum of five (5) years experience in an executive-level public administration position, or a bachelor’s degree with a minimum of seven (7) years experience in an executive-level public administration position. At the time of appointment, the City Manager need not be a resident of the City or State, but during a time period allowed by Council, shall reside within the City.
   No member of Council may be appointed City Manager while serving on Council or within one (1) year thereafter.
(Amended 11-8-11)
   The City Manager shall be responsible to the Council for the proper administration of all the affairs of the City. Subject to the provisions of this Charter, the City Manager shall have the authority and be required to:
(1)    See that this Charter and the ordinances and resolutions of the City are faithfully observed and enforced;
(2)    Appoint and, when necessary for the good of the service, remove all officers and employees of the City, not selected or appointed by the Council, in the manner provided by this Charter;
(3)    Prepare the tax budget, the annual budget and appropriation ordinance, submit them to Council for approval, and administer the appropriations made by Council;
(4)    Keep the Council informed of the current financial condition and future needs of the City;
(5)    Sign all contracts, bonds, notes and certificates of indebtedness on behalf of the City;
(6)    Serve as a consultant to the Planning Commission of the City;
(7)    Attend all meetings of the Council at which his attendance is required by that body;
(8)    Recommend measures for adoption to the Council;
(9)    Appoint the members of the Civil Service Commission;
(10)    Appoint the members of the City Planning Commission;
(11)    Appoint the members of the Board of Zoning Appeals;
(12)    Establish, abolish, combine, or separate and appoint members to such other boards or commissions as it deems necessary except as otherwise provided in this Charter;
(13)    Appoint such advisory committees as seem to him desirable, and discharge them when, in his judgment, their function has been completely served;
(14)    Delegate to subordinate officers and employees of the City any duties conferred upon him by this Charter or by action of Council and hold them responsible for the faithful discharge of such duties;
(15)    Perform such other duties, not inconsistent with this Charter, as may be required by the Council.
(16)   The City Manager shall have charge of the administration of all programs relating to public safety including the Divisions of Police and Fire and shall perform such services as are required by ordinance.
         (Amended 11-2-04)
   The City Manager shall designate one or more qualified officers of the City to perform the City Manager's duties during temporary absence or disability, and any person or persons so designated are hereby authorized to perform the duties of the City Manager during the absence or disability of the City Manager, or during such time as there is no City Manager by reason of death, resignation, removal from office, or otherwise.
   The City Manager shall serve at the will of Council. The City Manager shall be removed by a majority vote of the members of Council. (Amd. 11-6-12)