   (a)   (1)   Each property in the City of Conneaut will be charged a street lighting fee commencing January 1, 2021 pursuant to the following fee schedule:
Monthly Fee
Single Family
Duplex Dwellings (2 units)
$2.75/per unit
Multi-unit Dwellings (3+units)
$2.75/per unit
$2.75/per address
Mixed-use Property
Charged for each use on the property per the established rates ($2.75 minimum)
Manufactured Home Park
$2.75/per each space in the park
City Schools
No charge
Port Authority
No Charge
City Owned Property
No Charge
No Charge
Vacant Land
No Charge
Nonbuildable Property
No Charge
(Ord. 118-20. Passed 12-21-20.)
      (2)   EDITOR’S NOTE: Former subsection (a)(2) hereof was repealed by Ordinance 20-14.
   (b)   The street lighting fee will be placed on the water/sewer bill for each property.
   (c)   Any parcel of real estate not serviced by water and/or sewer will be sent an annual bill for the street lighting fee on or about January 1st of each year, except for 2009, which will be billed on or before May 1, 2009 on a prorated basis for 2009.
   (d)   A charge shall not be made against City owned land, Conneaut Port Authority land, or land owned by the Conneaut Area City Schools.
Any person or corporation that has a separate contract or agreement with the City relative to lighting shall be charged the street lighting fee in addition to any contractual amount.
   (e)   Any street lighting fee not paid by September 1st of any year shall be certified to the Ashtabula County Auditor and will become a lien on the real estate to be collected as taxes.
(Ord. 24-09. Passed 4-6-09.)