(a)   Application for permission to construct or extend any sanitary sewer of the City sewer system shall be made in writing to the Wastewater Superintendent by the owner(s) of the premises to be served. The owner(s) of the premises to be served shall agree: to pay all expenses of such construction, including engineering, review, testing and construction observation charges; that all construction shall conform to the standard practice and specifications of the City; that all designs and plans shall be approved by the City Engineer and the Ohio EPA and that all construction be subject to the supervision and continuous construction observation by the City.
      (1)   The Wastewater Superintendent, after receiving an application may request any further information or data from the applicants that may be necessary for a review of the application.
      (2)   Plans, profiles and specifications for construction of sewers proposed to be constructed by applicants shall be prepared by registered professional engineers and submitted to the City Engineer and Ohio EPA for final approval.
      (3)   Construction of sewers shall not commence until: final approval of plans, profiles and specifications by the City Engineer and Ohio EPA, payment of fees for construction observation, review, testing and/or engineering services as defined herein, and all necessary rights of way and permits have been secured. Rights of way required shall be either taken in the name of the City or, at the City’s option, reserve permission for the City to enter on the property to properly maintain the sewer.
   (b)   After the proposed sewer systems have been approved for construction as required by subsection (a) hereof, such person so constructing the sewers, whether within or without the corporate limits of the City, shall, before any construction is commenced, secure a permit to start construction from the Wastewater Superintendent, which shall show that the plans, profiles and specifications have been approved, and fees as delineated herein for construction observation, review and testing services have been paid in accordance with the fee schedule adopted by the City. For the protection of the City sewer system, it is necessary that construction work be done in compliance with the plans, profiles and specifications approved and in conformity to all applicable City ordinances and regulations.
      (1)   Within thirty (30) days following completion of sewer construction and final construction observation, testing, televising and approval of the Wastewater Superintendent, such person shall have their engineer submit a final “as-built” set of plans and profiles prepared as directed by the Wastewater Superintendent, of such sewer construction for the file records of the City.
      (2)   The City shall not accept the sewer until the construction and restoration are complete, all construction observation, testing and televising have been successfully completed, all fees have been paid to the City, and the City has received and accepted the “as-built” drawings.
      (3)   No building sewer shall be connected to the new sewer until the City has accepted the sewer.
      (4)   After the City has accepted the sewer, the building sewers shall be connected in accordance with Chapter 939 and City Standards and Practices.
         A.   Construction observation fee. When the owner(s) of the premises or his designee has received final approval of said plans from the Wastewater Superintendent and prior to construction, the Wastewater Superintendent shall submit an invoice to the owner(s) detailing the construction observation fee that is based on the estimated hours of construction observation by the Wastewater Superintendent or his designee for observing the infrastructure. The owner must deposit the amount of the invoice with the Finance Department at least two (2) business days in advance of construction. After the deposit has been made with the Finance Department, and with at least two (2) business days notice by the owner(s)/developer(s)/contractor(s) to the Wastewater Superintendent of the date and time construction is to occur, the Wastewater Superintendent or his designee shall conduct the observation of the construction. Upon completion of the construction and observation, the Wastewater Superintendent shall determine whether the fee deposited herein was sufficient to cover the construction observation costs. If the fee deposited is more than the construction observation costs then the difference of said fees will be returned to the owner/developer without interest. If the fee deposited is less than the construction observation costs, then the Wastewater Superintendent shall invoice the owner(s)/developer for the balance.
         B.   The Wastewater Superintendent shall conduct a periodic review of the fees and make changes accordingly.
      (5)   No construction or laying of sewers that are to be connected to the City sewer system shall be carried on without the above required construction observation. (Ord. 27-08. Passed 3-10-08.)