(a) Title. This chapter shall be known as the Pretreatment Ordinance, the Sewer Use Ordinance or the Sewer Use Code.
(b) Purpose and Policy. This chapter sets forth uniform requirements for discharges into the City of Conneaut's POTW and enables the City to protect public health in conformity with all applicable, local, State and Federal laws relating thereto.
The object of this chapter is:
(1) To satisfy the State and Federal requirements that the City of Conneaut develop and implement an industrial waste control program in compliance with the Clean Water Act of 1977 and General Pretreatment Regulations for New and Existing Sources, 40 CFR Part 403;
(2) To define the City's rights including the right to inspect, observe, measure, sample, test, and enter upon any facility or system tributary to the City sewerage system;
(3) To prevent the introduction of pollutants into the City of Conneaut POTW which will interfere with the normal operation of the POTW or contaminate the resulting municipal sludge;
(4) To prevent the introduction of pollutants into the City of Conneaut's POTW which do not receive adequate treatment, and which will pass through the POTW into receiving waters or the atmosphere or otherwise will be incompatible with the POTW;
(5) To improve the opportunity to recycle and reclaim wastewater and sludge from the POTW;
(6) To enforce the Conneaut Pretreatment Program as described in the Final Pretreatment Program submitted to Ohio EPA in 1984 as amended.
(c) Applicability. This chapter is applicable to all residential, commercial, and industrial users discharging to the City of Conneaut's Wastewater Treatment System including persons outside the City who, by contract or agreement with the City, are users of the City's Wastewater Treatment System.
(d) Relation to Other Laws and Regulations. This chapter provides for the regulation of discharges into the City of Conneaut's WWTP through enforcement of administrative regulations and other legal instruments. This chapter shall be effective to the extent not in conflict with other laws and/or regulations of the City of Conneaut, the State of Ohio, or the Federal Government. When this chapter conflicts with other laws, regulations, codes and/or other legal instruments, the most stringent of the laws/regulations shall apply in whole or part.
(Ord. 106-15. Passed 12-14-15.)