(a)   No person shall hunt any game animals or game birds, or trap wild animals, in any City owned park.
   (b)   No person shall hunt or trap any game animals or game birds on any public property or on any private property except as follows:
      (1)   Such person has obtained the consent of the landowner, and
      (2)   Such person shall not discharge a firearm within four hundred (400) feet of any camping area, residence, barn, service building, shelter house, latrine or other structure, or shoot from, on or across any road or discharge a firearm within 1000 feet of a school zone, and
      (3)   Such person shall not discharge or carry a firearm or any weapon west of Thompson Road and South of the Norfolk and Southern Railroad to the State Prison, and
      (4)   Such person complies with all state requirements for hunting not inconsistent with this ordinance, and
      (5)   This exception does not apply to City parks.
   (c)   No person shall trap wild animals on any private or public land except as follows:
        (1)   When done in accordance with the state laws and regulations for nuisance wild animals set forth by the Chief of the Division of Wildlife, or
      (2)   During the statewide trapping season when done in accordance with the state laws and regulations as set forth by the Chief of the Division of Wildlife, and
      (3)   Such person has obtained the consent of the owner of the land
   (d)   Anyone found violating this section shall be guilty of a minor misdemeanor on the first offense, and a fourth-degree misdemeanor on subsequent offenses.
(Ord. 69-17. Passed 10-10-17.)