(a) Procedure. Landscaping plans shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Administrator whenever an application is filed for a non-single family residential use as a part of a request for a Certificate of Zoning Compliance, zoning map amendment, conditional use permit, and in conjunction with the submittal requirements for Planned Districts.
(b) Plan Contents. The landscaping plan shall be prepared by a licensed design professional or landscape architect and shall include the following information:
(1) Plot plan drawn to scale indicating property lines, easements, proposed improvements, natural features, drainage, adjacent uses and structures, and proposed landscaping which shall include botanical and common names, dbh of deciduous trees, installation size, on-center planting dimensions where applicable, and a summary of all landscaping materials used on-site, new and existing, by type, common name, and quantity.
(2) In the case where trees are to be removed as part of any site development, the plot plan shall, in addition to items included in division (b)(1) above, also specifically indicate any trees to be removed and include botanical and common names and location of any major trees and any significant trees.
(3) Title block with the pertinent names and addresses of property owner, applicant, design professional or landscape architect including the architect's seal, scale, date, north arrow, address of the subject property, and name of the subdivision (if applicable).
(c) Criteria for Review. The submitted landscaping plan shall be reviewed to determine if proposed improvements comply with the requirements and standards of this chapter and commonly accepted landscaping and design standards. Council and/or the Planning and Zoning Administrator may call upon professional services from either the public or private sectors to provide an evaluation relative to any submitted landscaping plan.
(Ord. 2021-20, passed 7-19-2021)