§ 806.99 PENALTIES.
   Violations of this chapter shall be punished as follows:
   (a)   A first violation of this chapter shall be classified as a minor misdemeanor and punishable by up to a $150 fine and, if the person or business is licensed to do business as provided under this chapter, immediate revocation of the license of such person or business.
   (b)   A second violation of this chapter shall be classified as a fourth-degree misdemeanor and punishable by up to a $250 fine, and, if the person or business is licensed to do business as provided under this chapter, immediate revocation of the license of such person or business.
   (c)   A third violation of this chapter, if committed within one year of a second violation, shall be classified as a third degree misdemeanor and punishable by up to a $500 fine and 30 days in jail, and, if the person or business is licensed to do business as provided under this chapter, immediate revocation of the license of such person or business.
(Ord. 2020-13, passed 7-20-2020)