General Provisions
606.02   Definitions.
606.02   Classification of offenses.
606.03   Offenses defined.
606.04   Rules of construction.
606.05   Criminal law jurisdiction.
606.06   Limitation on criminal prosecutions.
606.07   Requirements for criminal liability; voluntary intoxication.
606.08   Culpable mental states.
606.09   Organizational criminal liability.
606.10   Personal accountability for organizational conduct.
606.11   Attempts.
606.12   Complicity.
606.13   Self defense; limitations on duty to retreat prior to using force.
606.14   Curfew.
   Burden and degree of proof, see R.C. § 2901.05
   Definition of “imprisoned”, see R.C. § 1.05
   Statute of limitations for income tax violations, see R.C. § 718.06
   Venue, see R.C. §§ 2901.12, 2931.29 et seq.