On or after the effective date of this chapter, the fines, penalties, costs, and fees for any parking violation administered pursuant to this chapter shall be set as set forth hereinafter in the following Village Parking Fee Schedule. The following fees and fines shall supersede any conflicting fine or fee amounts elsewhere in the Codified Ordinances of the Village of Commercial Point.
Commercial Point Code Section
Nature of Violation
452.03; any other parking violation not specifically set forth below
Parking vehicle with illegal or expired registration; parking in violation of any posted sign; parking in violation of any section of Chapter 452 not otherwise set forth below, or in violation of any parking regulation issued by the Mayor, Village Administrator, or Police Chief
Yellow curb; double parking; loading zone; bus stops and taxi stands; obstruct traffic
Parking too close to fire hydrant
Parking in disability space without valid placard, parking card or license plate; parking in access aisle
Failure to display required placard, license plates, parking card or special handicapped license plates
Failure to timely answer a parking ticket
Additional $20
Failure to timely answer a Notice of Violation
Additional $25
Hearings (for failure to appear at requested hearing or if judgment is entered against the requester of the hearing)
Up to $100
Failure to timely pay judgment or default judgment
Judgment release
$5 processing fee per judgment
Booting fee
Booting removal fee
Parking near stopped fire apparatus or emergency vehicle
Lights on parked or stopped vehicles
Parking of bicycles
Junk vehicles
Parking during snow ban
Leaving junk and other vehicles on private or public property with the permission of the owner
Willfully leaving vehicles on private or public property without permission
Parking in prohibited private property and tow away zones
(Ord. 2023-01, passed 4-11-2023)