(a) Build-To Line. To promote quality streets, buildings shall meet build-to lines along public roadway frontages. Build-to lines shall be 50 feet from the right-of-way on major arterials as designated on the Commercial Point Transportation Thoroughfare Plan and 25 feet from the right-of-way on all other streets.
(1) In order to achieve quality streetscapes, variation from the build-to line will be permitted to allow for added green space, amenities, outdoor seating and the like. Buildings may be located further from the right-of-way than the established build-to line per the following:
Building Height | Variation from Build-To Line |
One Story Building | 0 feet to 5 feet |
Two Story Building | 0 feet to 10 feet |
Three Story Building | 0 feet to 15 feet |
(2) At least 50% of the building's front elevation shall be located within the applicable variation from the build-to line range.
(3) Uncovered seating areas or architectural features may project up to five feet closer to the right-of-way than the established build-to line.
(4) Buildings larger than 20,000 square feet or attached to existing in-line retail space shall be exempt from the build to line requirements if located more than 300 feet from the right-of-way.
(b) Sidewalks and Multi-Purpose Paths. A sidewalk, or multi-purpose path as designated in the Commercial Point Comprehensive Plan, shall be constructed along all public streets. In addition, a sidewalk shall connect the building entrance with the sidewalk or multi-purpose path along the primary public street.
(c) Adjacent Pavement. Pavement is prohibited directly adjacent to any building elevation, except for loading zone areas, vehicular building entrances, drive thru windows, or at entrance walk ways into the building.
(d) Trash Containers, Service Areas and Loading Zones. Trash containers, service areas and loading zones shall be located at the rear of the building. Trash containers, service areas and loading zones may be permitted on the side of a building if not oriented towards a public or private street and properly screened from public or private streets and residential zoning districts.
(e) Utility Boxes. Utility boxes shall be located to the rear of the building and painted the same, or primary, color of the building elevation where the utility box is located.
(Ord. 2020-10, passed 6-15-2020)