Applications for new non-residential construction shall require the developer to satisfy these Commercial Development Standards in addition to the Zoning Code, Subdivision Regulations and other applicable documents and standards. The Commercial Development Standards shall be applicable as follows:
(a) Only non-residential structures located within the General Commercial, Neighborhood Commercial, Suburban Office, Planned Commercial District, Planned Unit District, or Planned Industrial District zoning districts shall be subject to the Commercial Development Standards. Any standards specifically stated in an adopted zoning text shall supersede the related standard found in the Commercial Development Standards.
(b) Properties located within the Old Town Overlay shall not be required to meet the Commercial Development Standards.
(c) New additions or accessory structures that have a square footage of less than 50% of the existing buildings square footage shall only be required to meet § 1199.03 (Building Design) of these Commercial Development Standards. If an addition or accessory structure is 50% or larger than the existing building, the entire building and site shall be subject to all Commercial Development Standards.
(d) All newly constructed parking areas shall meet the requirements of the Commercial Development Standards.
(Ord. 2020-10, passed 6-15-2020)