(a)   Location. For all commercial, industrial, and warehousing lots and parcels, accessory uses and structures, shall be located completely to the rear or side of the principal structure and shall be no closer than ten feet from any part of the principal structure. Accessory uses and structures shall meet the rear and side yard setback requirements of the applicable zoning district. Accessory uses and structures shall not be located within a recorded easement.
   (b)   Exterior. In order to protect property values and encourage neighborhood stability an accessory structure shall have an exterior that meets this standard and is compatible in appearance to the principal building on the parcel or lot.
   (c)   Maintenance. Accessory uses and structures shall be maintained in conformance with the requirements of this Code.
   (d)   Site Plan Required. Accessory uses and structures shall be indicated on an approved site plan in conformance with the requirements of Chapter 1141.
   (e)   Utilities Facilities Construction Impact Fee Required. At the time an application for Certificate of Zoning Compliance is submitted for an accessory structure on a commercial, industrial, or warehousing lot or parcel that is not otherwise part of an approved site plan application under Chapter 1141, utilities facilities construction impact fee described in § 1117.04(c) shall be paid. The square footage of parking lots shall not be considered when calculating the overall impact fee owed.
(Ord. 2022-07, passed 2-8-2022)