Private non-commercial antennas, satellite dish antennas, and antenna support structures are permitted accessory uses in any zone district under the following conditions:
   (a)   Exclusion: This section does not apply to satellite dish antennas 3.3 feet or less in diameter in residence zones or 6.6 feet or less in commercial and industrial zones.
   (b)   Dish antennas greater than five feet in diameter may not be placed on the roof of a principal or accessory building in any residential zone because of objectionable aesthetic impact on surrounding dwellings and views therefrom.
   (c)   Structures controlled under provisions of this section, including guys, are prohibited in any front or side yard of a lot or parcel in any residential or commercial zone and shall not encroach upon any side yard setback line, nor be placed within ten feet of the rear property line, provided that guy wire anchors may be located within one foot of property lines that define the rear yard. In addition, an antenna support structure in residential and commercial zones shall be set back from the nearest property line a distance equal to structural height.
   (d)   Height of any antenna support structure covered under this section shall be controlled by the height regulation of the zone in which it is located, provided that an antenna on such support structure shall be permitted up to 25 feet of additional height in excess of the zone limit.
   (e)   Structures covered under this section, for which an in-ground foundation or substructure must be constructed or which are roof mounted and extend more than 15 feet above the ridge line of the roof, shall require a building permit prior to erection, enlargement, increase in height or relocation. The application for a permit shall include address of lot or parcel, type of structure and height, and placement on lot or parcel shown on an illustration drawn to scale. Also required is information on method of installation including, as appropriate, details on structural support, footings, foundations, guys, braces, anchors, and grounding. As part of the permitting process the applicant will affirm receipt of a Safety Advisory Bulletin concerning safety issues, grounding, anti-climb devices, guying and wire sizes, and maintenance and inspections.
   (f)   Climbable antenna support structures shall be completely enclosed by a fence six feet in height or shall have an effective anti-climb device attached as described in the Safety Advisory Bulletin. If fenced, the fence shall restrict the passage of a two inch diameter sphere.
   (g)   Lots or parcels in residential zones shall be limited to not more than one antenna support structure per building containing one or more dwelling units.
   (h)   An antenna support structure shall be inspected annually and maintained in a safe condition by the owner or operator. Such owner or operator shall notify the Planning and Zoning Administrator if requisite safety standards are no longer being met and what steps are being taken to remedy the situation. The owner or operator of such structure shall maintain a record of inspections on file and a log of routine maintenance as well as work undertaken in response to inspections.
   (i)   Upon cessation of ownership or leasehold rights in an antenna support structure, the operator or property owner shall remove such structure within 90 calendar days, or within 30 calendar days of receipt of final written notice from the municipality to do so, provided that the new owner or leaseholder may retain said structure, after its inspection and written notice to the Planning and Zoning Administrator of the intention to retain such structure and to assume responsibility for same under this section.
(Ord. 2020-10, passed 6-15-2020)