(a) Major Tree Replacement. During the course of development of a single lot or a subdivision, including woodlands, the developer or owner shall be required to replace major trees removed pursuant to § 1191.02 in accordance with the following schedule.
Major Tree Replacement Schedule
| |
DBH | Replacement Schedule |
6 inches up to 12 inches | One-for-one |
12 inches up to 18 inches | Two-for-one |
18 inches up to 24 inches | Three-for-one |
24 inches and greater | Four-for-one |
(1) Replacements for major trees shall have a trunk diameter at planting of at least two and one-half inches caliper.
(b) Replacement Schedule for Woodlands. In addition to the provisions in division (a) of this section, the developer or owner of a woodland shall, during the course of development, be required to retain a minimum of 40% of the woodland.
(c) Where it is impractical or not feasible to replace all of the trees on the affected lot or within the affected subdivision, Council may approve one, or any combination of the following alternatives as a means of meeting the tree replacement requirements:
(1) Replace as many trees as is practical on the affected lot;
(2) Replace as many trees as is practical within this affected subdivision phase;
(3) Replace as many trees as is practical within the affected subdivision;
(4) For those trees that cannot be replaced through steps one through three above, the developer shall be required to replace the trees elsewhere in the village; or
(5) Use larger caliper replacement trees to achieve a planting of equal or greater value with fewer numbers.
(Ord. 2021-20, passed 7-19-2021)