It is recognized that there may exist certain home occupations that fail to meet the criteria of § 1187.02, but which may be appropriate for a residential area provided the following additional criteria are met through the conditional use procedure of Chapter 1145 including the requirements therein.
   (a)   Requirements. Home occupation conditional uses shall be limited by the following criteria and/or any other conditions as determined by Council in order to protect the residential character of the subject area:
      (1)   There shall be no more than three non-resident employees.
      (2)   The conduct of the home occupation may be approved within a structure accessory to the principal structure.
      (3)   Sales of commodities not produced on the premises may be permitted provided such commodities are specified and approved as a part of the application for a conditional use, provided Council determines that such sales will not become a detriment to the existing residential character of the lot or neighborhood through a resulting increase in traffic, noise, vibration, glare, fumes, odors or electrical interference or any other factor resulting in an adverse impact.
      (4)   Organized instruction may be permitted provided the class size does not exceed six pupils during any one period of instruction, provided Council determines that such organized instruction will not become a detriment to the existing residential character of the lot or neighborhood through a resulting increase in traffic, on-street parking, or any other factor resulting in an adverse impact.
      (5)   No outside storage of any kind associated with a home occupation conditional use shall be permitted unless it is totally screened from the adjacent residential lots and the abutting street(s).
      (6)   The off-street parking requirements of Chapter 1185 apply and such off- street parking area shall not be located in front of the building line.
   (b)   Validity. For the purposes of this Zoning Code, a home occupation conditional use ceases to be valid once the premises used for the home occupation is no longer occupied by the holder of the certificate of zoning compliance or upon the conduct of a home occupation in a manner not approved by Council.
(Ord. 2020-10, passed 6-15-2020)