The frequency of access points along thoroughfares in Commercial Point is to be minimized to reduce vehicle and pedestrian conflict and improve traffic flow. Access drives (driveways) leading to and from a street shall be developed according to the following standards:
(a) Width. An access drive serving a single family residence shall be a minimum of ten feet in width. Access drive entrances at a street shall be a minimum of 18 feet in width. All access drives shall not exceed 25 feet in width, except at curb returns.
(b) Spacing. The following standards shall apply to determining the permitted spacing of access drives. Street classifications are based upon the municipal thoroughfare plan, as amended, and interpretation by the Municipal Engineer relative to street classification.
(1) For all arterials and collectors, the following minimum spacing related to the posted speed limit shall be required between adjacent access drives:
25 | 150 |
30 | 150 |
35 | 300 |
40 | 300 |
45 | 600 |
50 | 600 |
(2) For non-residential uses on local streets, the minimum distance between access drives shall be 25 feet.
(3) For all arterials, access drives shall be located no closer than 300 feet to an intersection.
(c) Side Lot Lines. An access drive, exclusive of curb returns, shall be located no less than ten feet from the side lot line, except that an access drive for a residential use may be within three feet of a side lot line. Access drives for any uses utilizing a common drive may be adjacent to and coterminous with a side lot line.
(d) Quantity Permitted. The number of access drives shall be kept to a minimum to promote safe and reasonable access, improve the convenience and ease of movement of travelers, and permit reasonable speeds and economy of travel while maintaining roadway capacity. For lots with less than 200 feet of frontage on public right(s)-of-way and with less than five acres in total area, no more than two access drives shall be permitted. For lots with more than 200 feet of road frontage on public right(s)-of-way and greater than five acres in total area, additional access drives may by permitted by Council. The spacing standards of division (b) of this section shall take precedence.
(e) Surfacing. All access driveways shall be graded for proper drainage and surfaced with concrete, asphaltic concrete, premixed asphalt pavement, blacktop, or brick so as to provide a durable and dustless surface. All access driveway aprons shall be graded for proper drainage and surfaced with concrete. Access driveway and apron designs shall be reviewed and approved by the Municipal Engineer prior to construction.
(f) Location in Easements. An access drive shall not be located in an easement unless said easement is unavoidable in the access drive's connection with a public street.
(Ord. 2020-10, passed 6-15-2020)